Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Bloody clever, funny no one had thought of it before ! dual extension

Created by seanhogan > 9 months ago, 27 Jul 2018
QLD, 3424 posts
27 Jul 2018 8:08AM
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1312 posts
27 Jul 2018 10:17PM
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Why would someone wants to leave the ext in the mast ?

See that little black elastic band on the adjustment slide thingeee ? It lasts about 6 months, before degrading. Why do companies drill holes in a part to adjust it, when it comes under bend or breaking rules ? Why add parts to create additional weight ..... on on on

NSW, 1871 posts
28 Jul 2018 8:49AM
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forceten said..
Why would someone wants to leave the ext in the mast ?

When I go up the coast for a long weekend the sail stays rigged (loosen tension) as we are right on the beach. With 100% carbon mast and alu extension. The extension corrodes and becomes pitted (alu reacts to the carbon) in the space of a few days. So the plastic isolator are a good thing IMO.

SA, 100 posts
28 Jul 2018 9:47AM
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What bugs me is they say set the extension to 21 to rig my sail but the extension has 20 or 22, there's no hole for 21

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
28 Jul 2018 9:56PM
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tryharder said..
What bugs me is they say set the extension to 21 to rig my sail but the extension has 20 or 22, there's no hole for 21

Life is so full of disappointments!

Doesn't surprise me that S. Rasmussen, T. You and crew came up with this, they appear to be always ahead of the game looking for ways to improve our sport, good stuff!

joe windsurf
1481 posts
28 Jul 2018 8:22PM
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now have to add that one to my mast extension discussion ... (done)

my question is ... what about max and min extensions ??
like extensions less than 10 cm ??
still like the idea ...

VIC, 1237 posts
28 Jul 2018 10:44PM
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forceten said..
Why would someone wants to leave the ext in the mast ?

Rental centers.

1312 posts
28 Jul 2018 10:19PM
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Waiting4wind said..

forceten said..
Why would someone wants to leave the ext in the mast ?

When I go up the coast for a long weekend the sail stays rigged (loosen tension) as we are right on the beach. With 100% carbon mast and alu extension. The extension corrodes and becomes pitted (alu reacts to the carbon) in the space of a few days. So the plastic isolator are a good thing IMO.

Thanks . In salt and fresh water, never had any probs . Rental centers , can see over a period of weeks. Never thought of these.

SA, 100 posts
29 Jul 2018 7:02AM
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Orange Whip said..

tryharder said..
What bugs me is they say set the extension to 21 to rig my sail but the extension has 20 or 22, there's no hole for 21

Life is so full of disappointments!

Doesn't surprise me that S. Rasmussen, T. You and crew came up with this, they appear to be always ahead of the game looking for ways to improve our sport, good stuff!

Not so much a disappointment as annoyance. I'm learning to live with but always in the back of my mind I'm wondering how much faster I would go if the sail was 1cm closer to the deck ??

QLD, 477 posts
29 Jul 2018 11:56AM
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The SDM/RDM design really fits into that "why didn't someone do this before?" to the Starboard design team I say. The proof will be in the pudding but this looks like a great concept.

VIC, 1237 posts
30 Jul 2018 12:35PM
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forceten said..

Waiting4wind said..

forceten said..
Why would someone wants to leave the ext in the mast ?

When I go up the coast for a long weekend the sail stays rigged (loosen tension) as we are right on the beach. With 100% carbon mast and alu extension. The extension corrodes and becomes pitted (alu reacts to the carbon) in the space of a few days. So the plastic isolator are a good thing IMO.

Thanks . In salt and fresh water, never had any probs . Rental centers , can see over a period of weeks. Never thought of these.

Rental centres are probably half of the market these days.

QLD, 4855 posts
30 Jul 2018 6:39PM
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tryharder said..

Orange Whip said..

tryharder said..
What bugs me is they say set the extension to 21 to rig my sail but the extension has 20 or 22, there's no hole for 21

Life is so full of disappointments!

Doesn't surprise me that S. Rasmussen, T. You and crew came up with this, they appear to be always ahead of the game looking for ways to improve our sport, good stuff!

Not so much a disappointment as annoyance. I'm learning to live with but always in the back of my mind I'm wondering how much faster I would go if the sail was 1cm closer to the deck ??

Why don't they drill extra holes at 90 degrees in between the other holes , wouldn't be any weaker .
I rekon 3% faster at least depending on the color.

1312 posts
30 Jul 2018 10:38PM
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The Severene RED seems faster to me, over the typical black carbon or blue anodized

SA, 100 posts
3 Aug 2018 11:40AM
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Imax1 said..

tryharder said..

Orange Whip said..

tryharder said..
What bugs me is they say set the extension to 21 to rig my sail but the extension has 20 or 22, there's no hole for 21

Life is so full of disappointments!

Doesn't surprise me that S. Rasmussen, T. You and crew came up with this, they appear to be always ahead of the game looking for ways to improve our sport, good stuff!

Not so much a disappointment as annoyance. I'm learning to live with but always in the back of my mind I'm wondering how much faster I would go if the sail was 1cm closer to the deck ??

Why don't they drill extra holes at 90 degrees in between the other holes , wouldn't be any weaker .
I rekon 3% faster at least depending on the color.

I like your thinking, not to mention the weight saving and it is the red one!
i reckon I'll be able to break the 10knots barrier with this idea.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Bloody clever, funny no one had thought of it before ! dual extension" started by seanhogan