Please share your opinion and help me choose. Which one is better ? Which one would u choose if they gave u one now ? Im light and started waves and jumps. Thank u guys ~
only reason is i have owned 3 of the te 95 freewaves and they are great boards.
Bump and jump perfect and if you want a bit more wave performance then buy some smaller fins ( still great with stock standard)
I now use the Fanatic tri wave as it is still fast enough for B/ jump with a single fin and great in the surf as the tri fin.
Spot on geared4knots.
A local guy owns the 2015 95 freewave.
I was so impressed with the way he rode it I asked if I could give it a try.
I was amazed at how well it wave rode even with standard fins.
He uses the 95 with a larger single fin and side fins out on the lake with stunning performance.
This guy owns 4 other modern boards of different sizes and styles and highly rates the 95 Freewave for it's versatility.
In short the 95 Freewave is an amazing board.
If you were to follow the Fanatic Freewave history over the years there has never been a board that has not received rave reviews.
You can bet the 96 Freewave won't disappoint.