Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Point-7 AC-0 5.4 and 6.1

Created by duzzi 5 months ago, 23 Jul 2024
1074 posts
23 Jul 2024 10:57AM
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I took my AC-0 5.4 out for a second longer spin. I must say I am impressed. Coming from the ACX 2019 this is a big step up in performance. More than anything else is the stability. The ACX is very good, but compared to my AC-2, or my old HSM GPS, the luff meanders a bit in chop, causing the front to not really feel planted. The AC-0 feels like a cam sail, very, very stable in a straight line.

It is an almost silent sail, the leech opens beautifully (you can see it on beach, that is a good looking shape) and barely flutters. Jibing is a bit more demanding than with the ACX, or to put it better you need to adapt the technique a bit. The sail turns with bit of a wack, and you have to be ready to be a bit more physical at the exit.

Rigging is a breeze. Down haul until the loose area reaches the X-ply to mono-film seam between 2nd and 3rd batten from top and you are done. The 5.4 is a biggish, powerful sail, 7 battens, the boom is 8 cm longer than my ACX 6.0 2019, and it rigs on a RDM 400 with 28 extension. Looking forward the maiden voyage with the AC-0 6.1. I'll post.

1074 posts
23 Jul 2024 10:37PM
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Forgot to mention: the AC-0 has the same outline of the AC-1 PRO/LTD, the full on cam race sail in the Point-7 line (its cousin won the PWA last year). As Andrea Cucchi says: and AC-1 without cams. A very informative video here


6 posts
26 Jul 2024 3:32AM
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I have just got the AC0 5.4 but it's used so far. What board did you use it with it and what was the wind strength. Obviously you body weight may differ but I am getting the feel the new AC0 line can be used in lighter winds than the ACX. Oh and my 6.1 is also in so looking forward to your views on that as well mate.

1074 posts
26 Jul 2024 10:29PM
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MartinJerrard said..
I have just got the AC0 5.4 but it's used so far. What board did you use it with it and what was the wind strength. Obviously you body weight may differ but I am getting the feel the new AC0 line can be used in lighter winds than the ACX. Oh and my 6.1 is also in so looking forward to your views on that as well mate.

I used the 5.4 on a AV Slalom 88L (60 wide). I tried the sail in 12 (sub-planing) to 20 knots, very sketchy, but enough to have a good first impression and hit a slow 28 knots 10" (that's my problem). And yes the 5.4 seems to have more low end than the 6.0 ACX. I am not sure if there is really a 0.6 size difference (the 6.0 is around 438 x 172 (mast x boom) the 5.4 428 x 180), but I did not feel I lost anything at the low end, quite the contrary. At my 70Kg in the conditions that you see around here the 5.4 will get a lot of use. Now I am injured, but next week I should be able to get the 6.1 going. Enjoy your AC-0s and post results!

1074 posts
31 Jul 2024 11:06PM
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duzzi said..

MartinJerrard said..
I have just got the AC0 5.4 but it's used so far. What board did you use it with it and what was the wind strength. Obviously you body weight may differ but I am getting the feel the new AC0 line can be used in lighter winds than the ACX. Oh and my 6.1 is also in so looking forward to your views on that as well mate.

I used the 5.4 on a AV Slalom 88L (60 wide). I tried the sail in 12 (sub-planing) to 20 knots, very sketchy, but enough to have a good first impression and hit a slow 28 knots 10" (that's my problem). And yes the 5.4 seems to have more low end than the 6.0 ACX. I am not sure if there is really a 0.6 size difference (the 6.0 is around 438 x 172 (mast x boom) the 5.4 428 x 180), but I did not feel I lost anything at the low end, quite the contrary. At my 70Kg in the conditions that you see around here the 5.4 will get a lot of use. Now I am injured, but next week I should be able to get the 6.1 going. Enjoy your AC-0s and post results!

The review of the AC-0 7.0 just came out on "The faster you go the better the AC-0 gets. Asking for a matched commitment from the rider, the AC-0 tunes and twists away by itself, while paired with a fast and more technical Freerace or Slalom board the AC-0 will deliver blistering speeds".


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Point-7 AC-0 5.4 and 6.1" started by duzzi