Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Pryde 430 Combat skinny 100% carbon mast

Created by WindWarrior > 9 months ago, 15 Dec 2015
NSW, 1019 posts
15 Dec 2015 10:16AM
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8+ years old. Countless trips across the country and a few international journeys in its wake.
Sailed with it on Sunday then used it to hang the christmas lights on a 6m + pine tree in the front yard.
The mast that keeps on giving !

Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
15 Dec 2015 12:23PM
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Is that the X-Combat?
I have one also that keeps on going, they have a really good rep and seem to be made a bit thicker than the newer masts like FX-100 (and the one before the FX100 whatever that was)

WA, 1381 posts
15 Dec 2015 1:59PM
Thumbs Up

^ Fairly sure it was the X9


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Pryde 430 Combat skinny 100% carbon mast" started by WindWarrior