Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Quatro Cube 106 2020/2021

Created by philn > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2021
919 posts
8 Dec 2021 7:08AM
Thumbs Up

I got to sail the Cube 106 L today for the first time at Witsand in Cape Town. I have the 2016/2017 Cube 95 L and I love it, so I was expecting a lot and the board was even better than expected. Early planing even though the wind dropped and I was barely powered. Also once planing the board stayed on the plane unless the wind hole was massive. Volume is well placed for slogging when I fell off the plane. And it bottom turns beautifully in the cross onshore direction at Witsands. So easy to keep speed in the bottom turn that I was even able to do a few aerials. The conditions were so crappy that there were only about 6 or 7 kites out, and I was the only windsurfer.

Overall opinion: Double thumbs up - it's a clear improvement over my beloved Cube 2016/2017.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Quatro Cube 106 2020/2021" started by philn