Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

RADZ 2 Pin extension conversion

Created by Mucksy > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2014
QLD, 217 posts
23 Apr 2014 3:12PM
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Hi all,

Over Easter the spring clips in my mast base bent to a point where it needs replacing. I have been using the 2 pin system for many years but wish to try the euro pin system. I mainly sail in the waves and I find there is far too much movement/slop in the 2 pin system which is the main reason to go to the the euro pin system. I think the streamlined system is a good system aswell (used in Maui)....

Maybe its just me but it seems silly to throw the whole carbon extension away just because I wish to change the way my mast base connects to my extension!!! Has anyone done a conversion? There are 4 pop rivets and what looks like epoxy resin holding the moulded plastic part (with pulley's) to the Carbon rod. Might need a grinder and some other tools to get the base off butthink its worth while doing. Pictures below.

Has anyone completed this conversion before? Does anyone know where I can purchase all the mast extension parts minus the carbon rod? Would be very interested to hear thoughts/opinions....

Thanks in advance..

44 posts
23 Apr 2014 1:50PM
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I wouldn't mess with joints and boom heads, safety comes first!

NSW, 1222 posts
23 Apr 2014 7:19PM
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There are adapters available.

1595 posts
23 Apr 2014 6:05PM
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I wouldn't think you could buy just the lower part of an extension not attached to the carbon or aluminum tube.

1595 posts
23 Apr 2014 6:35PM
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Maybe someone has a broken or bent tube RDM euro pin extension they can give you and you can do a switcheroo?

QLD, 217 posts
23 Apr 2014 9:53PM
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Have you tried one of these? Do you know if the common 'sloppy' feel is eliminated when using one of these?

WA, 14850 posts
23 Apr 2014 8:12PM
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Sometimes buying a new mast base will take away all that slop. They tend to wear a bit.

I used the 2 pin setup for ages before changing to the NP MXT 1 pin system for the pulley setup. I agree the 2 pin system seems to have a lot of play after a while, but even though its noticeable when you plug the rig in, its not noticeable at all on the water.

WA, 14850 posts
23 Apr 2014 8:15PM
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Mucksy said..


Have you tried one of these? Do you know if the common 'sloppy' feel is eliminated when using one of these?

I have never used one of these, but it shouldn't be any better than a new base, as its just the same attachment to the extension. In fact probably more so, as it has both a Euro pin an Chinook system, so you get slop from both.

You can get spare parts to replace tendons, the upper 'cup', the springs, and pretty much everything else. At times though, its probably worth buying a new one and keeping the older one for spares.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"RADZ 2 Pin extension conversion" started by Mucksy