My doughter is 10y and weights 35 kg. She started surfing 2 years ago during vaccation. She learned how to lift the sail, ride and turn. She could come to shore by herself. She does not plane, use harnes or any of that more advanced stuff.
The bard she'll be using is a customized Tabou s3 116L (2006) with center fin.
I allready have a Prolimit sail 3,0 m2 but am not sure if it is not to big for her to pull from watter. Should I get a 2,5 sail.
Please advise.
I think that is the biggest she could use. My son is 9 and 30 kg and a similar skill level and is using a 2.5. The 3.0 is too big for him.
How did you customize your 116 L for her? My son is currently using a starboard start which is massive. I have a 110 L FSW which I could customize for him.
My daughter was 10 and we brought the ezzy starter pack with 2.5 and 3
the 2.5 was perfect ,now at 12 using the 3 now .
she uses the naish kailua twin fin 160 litre .soft top .
Center-fin cassete was added in place where usually there is a dagger in larger boards - similar as fanatic ripper -
Footstraps positions were also moved (added) a bit forward - she is not using them yet.
Board was covered with eva foam.
This upgrade is much cheaper than buying a new board with simmilar characteristics and also second hand kiddy boards are really hard to come by in my country.
She was riding a 150 RRD but had problems turning when she was 7. At age 8 she was riding fanatic shark 120. She was stronger but stil did not turn easily with no center fin and also upwind was a real issue. She did not surf last year. Now she is stronger and I thing that this board wil do OK. It is really light and with 116 L big enough.
I think I'll try to find a 2,5 sail for her or buy a new one if nothing else. There are some end-of-saison special deals at the moment and I can get complete rigg for 170 EUR.
Ive got an 8 year old using a 1.5 and a 12 year old using a 2.5. I think its really important to get the rig up easy. If they are not planning, it doesn't matter if they have a small sail, as long as its not hard work they will stay interested. Also an at least 80cm wide board helps.
My son is 10 now and about 30kg (small for his age) and has been windsurfing since 8yo. Have a 2.5 Gaastra Maverick and use it on Vandal inflatable SUP with windsurf option. Has an EVA deck and centre fin box with same small SUP (old wave style) fin as rear box. I think small fins are the secret for kids. One of the instructors he had initial lessons from would go to the trouble of fitting the smallest rear fin possible for the younger kids. Before we got the iSUP I had him out on the old Bic Rumba 3.1m longboard and found he could not turn it with adult size fins so I fit an old surfboard fin in and it made all the difference. The EVA deck and soft super stable iSUP is easier for him though, he can even do sail 360s which I struggle with (great for kids confidence and skills development to teach them sail handling tricks from the start)
He is starting to sail in more wind say max 10knots now and 2.5 becomes very hard for him so I imagine he will be fine on that size for some time - 3m would be too big.
Hello all,
i have a 3.7,4.2,4.7,5.0,,6.2,6.9. they all get used
also have 4 kids ranging from small to 11years
they have 1.5, 2, 2.6, 3, 3.4. The kids don't get out much but you will see that my sails are closer in size. I recommend you rig 2 sails at once as when you need to change sails you do so, my 11 year old was out on a 3m at sandy point a few weeks back he was struggling he changed to his sisters 2 and bingo had a great sail. Almost on the speed course. No
its very important to have every half metre size whether your 25kg or 98 kg
happy teaching