Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Severne NCX vs Overdrive

Created by sonny2727 > 9 months ago, 8 Oct 2015
VIC, 154 posts
8 Oct 2015 1:23PM
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Hi All,

I want to know if anyone (non pro windsurfer) has tried both NCX and OD same size . Basically is there a noticeable difference between the two for a recreation windsurfer? Particularly interested in upwind performance and speed on moderate chop. What would be the rating out of 5 on these aspects? I know on paper overdrive is more racy and should be faster and better upwind since its cammed, but does it worth the effort of rigging a cam sail? I have a NCX 6.5 and its great but need something that can go upwind easier and bigger , say 7 or 7.5, paired with pure slalom board 110L.


QLD, 3228 posts
8 Oct 2015 1:25PM
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The NCX is lighter and easier to handle than the OD, except in fully overpowered conditions when the cams keep the OD more stable. Speed wise, the OD should be faster but there should not be too much difference (especially for a recreational sailor)

If you are looking for upwind performance, it might be better trying the following:
- upgrade your fin in size and shape to maximise lift
- use an adjustable out-haul to flatten your sail when trying to sail upwind
- work on your upwind sailing technique

VIC, 154 posts
8 Oct 2015 7:21PM
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Thanks , I think fin and technique will help more than sail

QLD, 3228 posts
9 Oct 2015 11:40AM
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What fin do you use with the 6.5 sail?

VIC, 154 posts
9 Oct 2015 9:20PM
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MFC liquid pro 34cm, next fin size is bit too big 41cm select slam

QLD, 757 posts
10 Oct 2015 12:19AM
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In overall topspeed, there's negligible difference (same can be said comparing an NCX to a Reflex 6).

Big difference between them is in acceleration out of gybes and when you go downwind. Off the wind, you need shape at the front of the sail which the cams force in to the sail. You can feel the NCX depower when you really foot off downwind as it doesn't have enough sail depth. The NCX also feels a bit more sluggish out of the gybes for the same reason.

To be honest... i love my NCX's and if I'm not training on my race gear (Reflex_6) I'd much prefer to be on the NCX. My favourite combo is NCX 7.5m with a 107L board. They are so much easier to rig than a cambered sail and they aren't as sensitive to downhaul. You do get a lot more out of them with an adjustable outhaul though.

I would go for the NCX ;-)

VIC, 154 posts
10 Oct 2015 8:57AM
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thanks Sean, totally agree with rigging aspect ,specially after work when u have to save every minute. perhaps I should try both and see the upwind difference..if its marginal then sure ..NCX

This is a modern problem , when u have too much choice

QLD, 3228 posts
10 Oct 2015 4:35PM
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sonny2727 said..
MFC liquid pro 34cm, next fin size is bit too big 41cm select slam

The MFC liquip pro I think is an all round free ride fin. For better windward performance on your slalom board you might think about a full slalom fin like the Black Project R series.

I use the following BP R fin sizes with my KA Race Sails

7.1 - 35 and 37.5

7.9 - 37.5 and 42.5

I use the larger fin when the water is choppy

You might try the following with you sails

6.5 - 35

7.5 - 37.5

There are lots of good fin brands. BP is just one of them. Talk to you nearest retailer about your options

If you are not doing GPS sailing then I'd follow Sean's advice and get the NCX

WA, 88 posts
1 Nov 2015 11:29AM
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sonny2727 said...

This is a modern problem , when u have too much choice

First world solution. Get NCX's and Overdrives.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Severne NCX vs Overdrive" started by sonny2727