Just finished a 2hour sail, went to take the fin out and the head stayed in the board. Unlucky it broke, lucky it was on the beach
That brand of fin is prone to doing that. It's happened to me twice. Once on the water and once in the hand like you.
As mentioned above , glue and pin it.
I've got 2 more select fins I might pin at the same time, better to be safe.
It's probably a good idea. Easy to do , just do it near the top. Drill a small hole , whack a pin in and grind flat.
I think that model of that brand is a good cheap fin. The problem is , the fin innards don't go down enough to the barrel nuts. At least you won't break your board .
I was riding a sinky board in a lull in waist deep water and sunk the the back of the board till the fin hit the sand. It busted off and I knew it instantly. I jumped off and walked backwards to look for it and it was stuck in the sand pointing up perfectly.
Not a lot of force to pull those fins out.
Very lucky!!!!! Bond it in with JB Weld (not the fast one) after a sand and clean, and maybe won't even need pinning, but why not when some CF or fibreglass rod is $10 on eBay...
I used west epoxy as I had some laying around then put 3x 1.5mm stainless steel pins through (bike spokes), hoping that will work.
would jb weld be better? Bit lat now but I have 2more select fins and it sound like I might have to do this again
Happier knowing that even if the bond breaks the fin won't fall out.
the day the first one went I was sailing in a harbour with a fast current going out and an off shore wind, It would of been a tough paddle to get back to shore.
Good news, the pins worked
bad new, the epoxy didn't seem to stick at all, just finished a sail with only the pins holding it in. now I have to try to get the pins out so I can removed it and try a different glue
I never thought of pins . I Drilled bigger holes and put the same size threaded brass nuts in ,then used knead it to fill holes on each side ,as Imax suggested get the 40 grit sandpaper on it , if your still worried get the grinder out and grind some lines in it
Why is the head blue ?
paint, had to build up the box a bit to make it a snug fit, sprayed it blue so I could see what bits where high or low when I sanded it down
It's unfortunate that the fin broke, but at least it happened on the beach and not out in the open water. Safety first, right?
well the epoxy that didn't stick the fin back together did a really good job of sticking the pins in but finally got it apart again, sanded everything and stuck it back together with JB weld Marine this time. Lets see how long that last
Straight epoxy resin doesn't have good gap filling properties, the West System should be good but you should thicken it with microfibre filler for a high strength epoxy glue.
Straight epoxy resin doesn't have good gap filling properties, the West System should be good but you should thicken it with microfibre filler for a high strength epoxy glue.
Think I had the opposite problem, the fit was so tight it scrapped off all the epoxy on the way in.
ok, all done again with jb weld, looks very solid, had to drill out old pins as they were the one thing that really bonded well so now have 3x3mm steel pins going through it. I have high hopes for this version. Just need some wind before it gets to cold.