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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Wing sail , one step up

Created by MWsails > 9 months ago, 24 Mar 2014
joe windsurf
1481 posts
27 Dec 2015 6:37AM
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MAN wished i had hooked up with you dudes back in the 80's
interesting that old ideas are resurfacing
perhaps/hopefully modern materials and technology have/will overcome previous "issues"
thought inflatable tubes would help flotation and thus hinder water "rushing" into luff sleeve

WA, 978 posts
27 Dec 2015 8:56AM
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joe windsurf said..
MAN wished i had hooked up with you dudes back in the 80's
interesting that old ideas are resurfacing
perhaps/hopefully modern materials and technology have/will overcome previous "issues"
thought inflatable tubes would help flotation and thus hinder water "rushing" into luff sleeve

thats a good idea.
what about replacing cams with a continuous "bladder-cam"?

234 posts
7 Jan 2016 11:04PM
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This is very helpful picture. Can you send me in Email : for closer examination. My sail ,that is about to get patent, have inflatable tubes inside , deep water sailing with my sail much easier than with traditional sail. I take it on the water for nonstop 4 hour secession in deep and shallow, never even break skin on my hands.

230 posts
9 Jan 2016 3:50AM
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Wonder how long before this sort of sail becomes mainstream for slalom sailing?

234 posts
10 Jan 2016 4:25AM
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I don't know about mainstream slalom sailing, but as it is now I'm working on putting production together with slow start. Hopefully this year we announce website, brand name etc.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Jan 2016 8:08AM
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May I suggest Falco peregrinus

234 posts
11 Jan 2016 8:05AM
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Thank you! I would definitely bring it up to our business meeting but I doubt that anyone will change their mind which is already set. :)

105 posts
24 Feb 2016 4:58PM
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patent is US20130233229A1 Very cool....

NSW, 169 posts
24 Feb 2016 8:33PM
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Please match with the new Mistral board, fast & comfy would be very much appreciated....,variable,t

Ask Mistral if you can sell it under their Brand name as a package with the board, a Mistral Sail under licence, we'll all be happy. Well done with the patent too.

234 posts
26 Feb 2016 2:24AM
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Mistral board on the video is nothing new ,I saw it done before by other people . I think Mistral and other company's in business, should approach me first. While I'm still busy with tooling and not present a real treat yet.

WA, 629 posts
26 Feb 2016 11:12AM
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ARCWingsail said...
Mistral board on the video is nothing new ,I saw it done before by other people . I think Mistral and other company's in business, should approach me first. While I'm still busy with tooling and not present a real treat yet.

Actually, what Mistral are doing is new, in that ts the most resolved and efficient tail trim system delivered in a production board to date. Where other designs look similar, they set about to achieve different functions or only a couple of the elements that the VRTS applies to complete the system.
I'd studied numerous designs and experimented with a few myself, but Neil's design ticks all the boxes, allowing the most natural and efficient board shapes.
The closest I got was a continuous flexible section across the tail of my board.

You can see the curve of the carbon generated a gradual flex, although the tail was to short and not flexible enough. In hindsight what is essential is torsional flex across the tail to effect what vee would usually provide. If you look at the recent Nelson Factory designs Mark has dealt with that nicely, though in my opinion Neil has nailed it.
You can see in my avatar how mine ended up. The board is awesome but would be awesomer with VRTS on it! Plus the plan shape of the tail is not right..hips that wouldn't allow the rounded pin tail to work.
That's why I'm just going to buy one off the shelf

WA, 629 posts
26 Feb 2016 1:04PM
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Parked said...
Please match with the new Mistral board, fast & comfy would be very much appreciated....,variable,t

Ask Mistral if you can sell it under their Brand name as a package with the board, a Mistral Sail under licence, we'll all be happy. Well done with the patent too.

The sails to match the Mistral VRTS are already in development (-:
Imagine how rad it would be if WB came out of sailmaking retirement and designed them..

NSW, 169 posts
27 Feb 2016 8:55PM
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Any hints? Freeride, Freerace, Slalom, Raceboard?

WA, 629 posts
27 Feb 2016 10:56PM
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Sorry to report, that's all I know. The reference to FreeSpeed in the promo is as close as a guess I'd hazard.

234 posts
1 Mar 2016 12:25AM
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I design and built wing sail . Basically it's a wing and it does perform like a wing. I decided to go with size 5.8, high aspect ratio, because that size start working in the what I call "fun zone" from 15kt to unknown range. What sail does is : stabilize your ride, very easy to handle in any conditions, have stunning upwind angle and speed, it has a lots of power , very easy to jybe with, and very easy and I would say pleasant to water start, because sail is floatable and it wants take off the water on it' own. How will you use it it's up to you. If you want to go faster, take narrow board and small fin, if you up to leisure sailing use wider board . I use 55 cm speed board. On my wider boards, sail stabilize ride so much, that it become boring.

234 posts
1 Mar 2016 12:32AM
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As far as i understand, that board become more soft on the ride, price for it, is prolonged contact with water resulting in more drag. Because traditional sail have very narrow performance envelop, it works well. With wing sail it would be like have your foot on the break.

WA, 629 posts
2 Mar 2016 3:46PM
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ARCWingsail said...
As far as i understand, that board become more soft on the ride, price for it, is prolonged contact with water resulting in more drag. Because traditional sail have very narrow performance envelop, it works well. With wing sail it would be like have your foot on the break.

That makes utterly no sense

NSW, 169 posts
2 Mar 2016 7:59PM
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One guess why he's pushing the wing sail, not the VRTS. Oh well, you can respond to suggestions to help, but......

Personally, I think the VRTS could be interesting on a range of boards, perhaps even a new compact raceboard like the new phantom 299, Mistral have a great pedigree. Who knows, leave it to the designers.

Why not just call it (the new wingsail) ARC, if the name isn't taken.

234 posts
3 Mar 2016 12:04AM
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Look guys maybe you right , I'm totally wrong about VRTS. I have very little knowledge about how things work with water, I leave it to board designers. But I can explain everything about wing and why it works.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Wing sail , one step up" started by MWsails