Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

gorilla vs RDM100 severne mast

Created by Yuppy > 9 months ago, 26 Jul 2015
VIC, 666 posts
26 Jul 2015 6:00PM
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hi all

i sail severne blade and s1 pro sails.

i currently use gorilla masts. is it a big difference to go for 100% carbon?

are 100% carbon as strong as the gorilla?

VIC, 666 posts
26 Jul 2015 9:05PM
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Thanks barri. I read this. It just got off the subject of masts very quickly.

I am interested in feedback on the mast only

597 posts
27 Jul 2015 8:00AM
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I think severne answer that by offering a two year warranty on the gorilla, they are telling me that the gorilla is a much stronger product therefore the warranty is extended. Performance is always traded off for strength, the question is at what level of performance do u want to trade for strength and peace of mind??? Probably pretty hard to tell by rigging the two masts in the same sail next to each other as well, it will be the 100% carbon mast that reacts quicker in the gusts loading and unloading which gives it better performance. At my level of sailing I know which mast I like being pummelled in the shorebreak with

VIC, 666 posts
28 Jul 2015 11:09PM
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Maybe someone from severne could answer?

Is the gorilla much stronger than the 100% carbon mast?

WA, 69 posts
Site Sponsor
29 Jul 2015 12:24PM
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Hi Yuppy,

If the RDM100 was as strong as the Gorilla, then we could make it a little lighter as there will always be sailors happy to make the trade off.

If the price was not a factor, and you're sailing Hookipa or Margs every day, then the Gorilla or RDM90 are the better options. But, if you sail somewhere a little friendlier like Gerroa or Corronations, then you'd be unlucky to break the RDM100. And who wants to lug around extra weight if you don't need it?

The RDM100 is about 27% lighter than the Gorilla, and around 40% more expensive. The RDM100 is about 19% lighter than the RDM90, and it's about 19% more expensive. Bang for your bucks are pretty even across the range, with the RDM90 probably the best trade off..


NSW, 1147 posts
29 Jul 2015 8:54PM
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Non satirical barn can write a good reply

1979 posts
29 Jul 2015 8:56PM
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I like the satirical replies better :)

Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
29 Jul 2015 9:06PM
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an MS paint pic would help

NSW, 1147 posts
30 Jul 2015 7:28AM
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Agree, his satirical replies were 28% better value

QLD, 3424 posts
30 Jul 2015 1:20PM
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QLD, 4873 posts
30 Jul 2015 1:37PM
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Select to expand quote
DunkO said..
Agree, his satirical replies were 28% better value

the least he could have done is a MS paint graph. Just be thankful he doesn't do the colour schemes for the sails

VIC, 666 posts
30 Jul 2015 11:33PM
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It looks like I'm getting the rdm100. And a 5,6 s1pro to go with it

VIC, 601 posts
31 Jul 2015 4:46PM
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100% rdm and the S1 Pro together are soooo nice Yuppy. Have fun

Ben Severne
WA, 194 posts
31 Jul 2015 9:17PM
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That's the best mast for those S-1 Pros for sure. Jaeger only uses that mast, and I use it pretty much all the time. I'm always surprised at the punishment they can actually handle.
The RDM90 is also a great mast, but anything less than that really doesn't do those S-1 Pros justice. The reactivity of the sail is way beyond the reactivity of a 75% carbon mast.

QLD, 5283 posts
31 Jul 2015 11:49PM
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are you sure ben?

151 posts
31 Jul 2015 11:55PM
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What about my reactivity?
Do I need to be less active with a 100% mast in a standard blade?


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"gorilla vs RDM100 severne mast" started by Yuppy