Hi all,
If the two sections of the mast when joined is too tight we can sand it off. My problem is when top and bottom half of mast comes off too easily and pain in rigging. Any trick to make the two pieces stick together other than wrapping around sticky tape every time?
if you want to build up the mast spigot you can do it with epoxy and sand it back.
Else you could try some Mylar sail repair tape applied to the spigot (make sure you clean it properly first) the mylar will be less compressible than most other tapes
Myself I allways tape the joint to hold mast together and stop sand ingress.
Just did this recently with a mast extension base. As Elmo said just give a coat of epoxy. I let epoxy sit for 15min to go off a bit and put the base at a very slight downhill angle so that epoxy would not run into the seat. Sand off the drips and you are away.
I always find beach sand the most effective way to stick a mast together...
Good way to ruin the thing trying to get them back apart after. Duct tape works like a dream