Hi All
I am looking for suggestion from South Australian windsurfers: I am new here in (South)Australia and I would like to (re)start windsurfing
Considering my (old) age, my (terrible) fitness condition and my (mediocre) technical level, I was thinking to (re) start with long boards/race boards or free ride board.
The essential I believe is the flat watter and a secure recovery for the equipment: I was used to the North Italian lakes
Can you please suggest me for any place close to Adelaide with the following characteristics:
- flat water
- safe recovery for my gears (I can't count on a car for moving up and down the equipment)
Considering I like all types of saling as long as they are small enought an alternative could be represented by catamarans and nasty dinghy
I dream to cross Saint Vincent with a wundsurf, an 18 feet cat or a nasty dinghy (already done twice with big sailing but it made me sleeping )
Please let me know about clubs and contacts in this direction: unfortunately windsurfing and similar stuff give addiction
Hi Mikewind,
Goolwa Lake, launching by the Aquatic Club, might be a good venue for you. Flat water (but I bit browner than the lakes you are used to :-) ). Usually plenty of people around if you get in trouble. By recovery do you mean being able to land somewhere safe if you can't get back to where you started? Not perfect at Goolwa, but a least there is accessible land on all sides.
For longboarding, a group of locals have got hold of Windsurfer LT's and are keen for some casual cruising and racing, probably centred around the Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club. Check here for more info as plans evolve.
Cheers, Richard
Boggy lake would probably be better given that you can touch the bottom and walk gear back to landing if u get stuck down wind on some directions. Just cant remember which directions they are. You can also touch the bottom the whole, if not, a good majority of the way across to the other side on some directions. If some one knows these directions that would help.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.
With the expression "safe recovery for my gears" I am referring to the following situation: in Europe I was used to go from home to the spot by scooter, all the equipment was at the windsurf club.
I would like to find a similar solution (probably I will have to move from home to the windsurf spot by bicycle).
This I am afraid will exclude places too faraway from Magill (it is where I live). But who knows... If I should find a great place I could upgrade my vehicle to something with an engine
About Boggy and the need mentioned by Sambo (being in condition to touching the bottom): I hope I will never be in such a situation normally I can come back from where I start.
I just would like to avoid waves (I have experienced flat water only) and of course the Australian beasts: sharks, jellyfishs, crocodiles, etc (in the Mediterranean sea we have practically killed in a way or in an other the most of the sea life and so no fear to waterstaring)
I will explore the ways you kindly suggested me
Thank you again
No car? An option might be renting space at Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club to store your board. You could catch the train down. You would be sailing in the sea but I can money back guarantee no crocodiles :-) Can get choppy and stormy at times, but there are also many times where the water is flat, particularly in the morning in summer..
You will struggle to find somewhere to store your gear (sailing clubs) within riding distance of Magill that isn't on the ocean (sharks, stingrays, deadly jellyfish, crocodiles, sea snakes, whales, blue ringed octopus, man eating penguins, stone fish, sea urchins, cone shells, budgie smugglers).
You will need a car to be able to get to the river or lake but this is Australia and some of those previously mentioned cuddly animals that may or may not exist in our waters could potentially follow you to said lake or even your living room!
There are sailing clubs at Henley, west beach, outer harbor, Brighton, etc maybe try them for some dirty dingy action.
+ Drop bears ?
WHAT?? I thought they were only found on walking trails, are they in the water now too?
No, Linear park. Remember that guy on the news last year who got attacked while walking his dog ?. It opened him right up.