Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

A Summer with the new Duotone Superstar

Created by gmitton > 9 months ago, 7 May 2022
SA, 1438 posts
7 May 2022 4:17PM
Thumbs Up

Ok, got these new 2022 Duotone Superstars early in the summer for onshore sailing at North Haven and Seacliff.

First thing I noticed was they have a lot of grunt! I was using a half size smaller than my gaatsra poisons all summer. They were still stable when overpowered but I find it's always good to be on a smaller sail if comfortable.

To rig I found myself always using full down haul setting or they had flex at boom height. I used outhaul to control the power.

They picked up in shore gusts really well (which is why I got them), but I found myself chucked over the front far less often than the poison in sudden gusts.
I also noticed I got heaps more Gybes, and had better control and rotation speed on the MANY forward loops. No denying they are a costly sail, but I don't regret buying them at all. Happy to give anyone I know a go on one if you see me at the beach (except the size I am using of course). Ocean Surf Co can get them in if you want to buy.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"A Summer with the new Duotone Superstar" started by gmitton