Bring your kids/partners/etc with their windsurfing kit down to the lake for some beginner/intermediate flat water sailing.
We'll provide a BBQ sausage for lunch.
Foiling in some form for adults.
If conditions allow we will organise a slalom race.
When- Sun 12th Jan '20, 11 am
Where- Carpark by the water Tolarno Drive, Hindmarsh Island (see map below)
Cost - free for WindsurfingSA members, families and friends. Join up here:
Hope to see you there!
Just an update on the event
* Weather is looking good - sunny and 23C
* Expecting winds in the 10 - 15 knots range - great for beginners!
* Ocean Surf Co will be there with tow boat, SUP foil, Surf foil, wings foils to try
Remember your life jacket (PFD).
At the launch point it's mainly a silty bottom with weed but there are some limestone outcrops so if you're concerned bring some booties or old sand shoes to protect your feet.
Hope to see you there
Thanks to you all for coming along, making the event so successful and to everyone who helped out (BBQ cooking, tents, sharing gear, photos, etc)!
Great to see so many youngsters having fun on the water!
Special thanks to Shane (Binks Marine) and Ty (Ocean Surf Co) for supporting this event and working tirelessly through the day!
I've spoken with the manager of Coorong Quays to clarify access and we're welcome to launch there individually but if we come as a big group we need to contact them prior - so it sounds like we can use the venue again next year - all good!
Well done James, your enthusiasm made the day happen.
Good luck to all the foilers, and so great to be involved with teaching so many youngsters to Windsurf.
The next generation of foilers!!
Regards Shane O'C Binks Marine
What a great day on the water! Good to see so many kids. Big thank you to James for making it happen, and to Shane (Binks Marine) and Ty (Ocean Surf Co.) for bringing so much demo gear down.