Rob and I had a grand idea for an event which we were going to propose at the next WSA committee meeting......
" The GPS knacker tracker"
A challenge to draw the best cock and balls with GPS tracking. Unfortunately it seems Guy Cribb has beaten us to the worldwide premiere - see 5:20 in following vid.
Watch "#107 - Adults Only Edition! - Send it Sunday" on YouTube
So, I had my first attempt today........
8.0m Tushingham Thunderbird 3 and 110 litre iSonic. Pretty difficult with this kit.
Not a bad try, but not the best! Still a 1km cock and balls (gps distance 1.01km) is a start.
Not sure anyone would want their junk to look like this though. Rushton did have a good shot at showing everyone his in Bondy's wedding photo
Carton of piss still on offer for the best effort before Xmas. There's gotta be some takers out there.
Post your track and detail the kit you used.
Happy drawing
Good effort Chinny, "It looks like a huge..." . Have you been talking to this bloke ?
Get onto it then Darvio.
We need some drawings to look at when it's not windy. Could be boobs to admire, cheeky dick pic for a giggle or something more artistic.
Get tracking!
Last chance to get a pic in before Xmas to win a carton of bevvies!
Get the GPS on, get out in the water and come up with an interesting track.
There must be someone out there up for the challenge. Otherwise it looks like I'll be treating myself to a 24 nice cold beers