Cracking few days! Yesterday arvo on the point was close to epic. Todays 2-3 times bigger, wind starting.
Tge sailor on the blue pryde! Killing it.
Cracking few days! Yesterday arvo on the point was close to epic. Todays 2-3 times bigger, wind starting.
Tge sailor on the blue pryde! Killing it.
It's the photos that are making him look good..hahaha
Boy it has some size today, Sets were solid. Had to leave just as breeze filled in about midday. Bogged out for one or two. Would have been nuts with some decent wind.
some poor windinger got blown out to sea. Was going to go save his life, but was pretty cold and I just wasn't prepared to get back into wet wetsuit, plus running out of time to pop into winery. Thankfully coast guard picked him up.
Cracking few days! Yesterday arvo on the point was close to epic. Todays 2-3 times bigger, wind starting.
Tge sailor on the blue pryde! Killing it.
Sunday arvo was definitely up there. Glad you had a chance to get some good sailing here. There were big clean sets running from the grassy carpark to Day St too.
Was going to go save his life, but was pretty cold and I just wasn't prepared to get back into wet wetsuit, plus running out of time to pop into winery.
Was going to go save his life, but was pretty cold and I just wasn't prepared to get back into wet wetsuit, plus running out of time to pop into winery.
was not actually going to let him drown, hahaha..... was on the phone to the coastguard at the time, just as he got picked up. actually told my wife sorry nah cant leave just yet this guys in trouble.
was going to go get him, just didn't know how, surf was too solid to paddle through from beach with big board and not enough wind. looked liken he was in all sorts, though hope not life threatening, but who knows. hope the fella was ok.
i'm in stitches that the comment got taken seriously.
Pheww .. sounds better
Must have been stressful for him/her. Must have appreciated a life jacket at that time.
yeah man, i recon whoever it was would have been stressing. i could see them trying heaps of times to get going. lucky someone else recognised issue before me.
i don't know who it was or there specific situation, but kinda feel maybe not a good day to be out there? back up plan shouldn't be rescue boat