Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Middleton Thursday 3rd August

Created by Chinny Oz > 9 months ago, 10 Sep 2020
Chinny Oz
SA, 122 posts
10 Sep 2020 8:56PM
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Short vid with some epic wavesailing!!

SA, 2878 posts
11 Sep 2020 8:23AM
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That was cool! Very appropriate track!

Slim Jim
SA, 202 posts
12 Sep 2020 9:19AM
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Chinny O' - When you do your cutback - think the back hand needs to slide along the boom to meet the front hand. This will depower the sail, put your body closer to the mast, allow you to surf the board around on the rail & just maybe avoid some of those wipeouts(?)

My 2 cents worth for what it's worth

(Actually , why am I giving you beta when you thrash me every year in the Cannonball Run?!)


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Middleton Thursday 3rd August" started by Chinny Oz