Hi All
Your advice please.
Fit 46yo 6"1' 125kg wants to get back into it.
In the 90's, I was a good flat water/ slalom guy, proficient at gybes/ waterstarts/ chop jumps. Best memories are powered up on a 6m 93 NP slalom sail and a JP yellow slalom board. Lake George, Goolwa and Black Point YP. Had a Tiga 268 and Bic Adagio/ Allegro before that as well. Weighed less then, more like 95kg.
I'll be sailing flat water/ chop, mostly at Black Point YP over Xmas break and other holidays. Sea breeze builds there from 15 up to 25 kn. fairly often. Also like to get into Boggy.
Obviously more gear, more time on water, but really only want to get 1 board and 1 sale at this stage.
SHQ has recommended JP-Australia Magic Ride ES 142L and Neilpryde X-Move sail 6.7m. What do people think of this recommendation? Should I get the 154L? With my weight, might be a good idea. Though I'm not going to bother with marginal conditions/ uphauling. A quick tack might be on the cards though!
Thanks for your input all!!
Hi Mate. I'm a 70kg sailor, so I can't give you any advice about equipment. I recommend you re-ask this question in the General forum as there will be freeride/slalom sailors on there that will be your weight and can supply good advice.
However, Black Point is pretty flat, and places like Port Vincent and Stansbury even flatter. There is a crew at Stansbury if you want somebody to sail with. Between 2-10 sailors sail there on any given session in summer. Infact, the whole west coast of the Gulf is pretty flat relative to other places (ie: Metro, Boggy etc), so any board that is wider than normal (which the Magics are) is going to sail better on the west coast of the Gulf (you don't want a wide board in chop).
Good luck. We'll no doubt meet
I'm 112 kg, go the 154 ( you can always sell it once you've got your sailing fitness back). When it's lighter wind you're going to sail longer and if it picks up and gets a bit hectic just think of what Laird would do, sheet in bear away and hold on
G town is getting very shallow in some spots so be careful if you've got a long fin
Sails are way more tunable these days. Sh!t. I'd even go bigger with your weight and experience
7.8, 8.0
Hi Badge - not sure if this helps, for you ref...
I'm 83kg and use a 7.3 in 14-17knts, 6.2 in 18-22knts and 5.4 in 23-26knts. All freeride sails. BUT I'm still getting through intermediate stage - so definitely no expert.
You might want to factor in maximum boom size into your purchase - so if you do end up buying bigger sails down the track, you don't get caught short with your boom being too small.
Thank you for your responses. I've a bunch of around '93 cammed slalom sails that have been stored in the cool at the family beach house since then. I don't spose there is any reason not to try those on a modern board with a new mast? What do you think?
Bigger sail, more power=betterer! Take any advice on board and sail size from any one under 100kg with a pinch of salt, they live in a world of unicorns, fairies and pretty sprinkles.
Try the old sails if you already have a newish mast but don't be too surprised if you need to do a bit of swimming when the stitching lets go while you're floundering on top of it, and if you're going to buy one to suit the luff length of the old ones do a bit of research on the length needed for the newer sails you are considering and only make purchase if compatible to save some fun tokens.
Here is a couple of boards that may be suitable for you.