Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Round 1 State Wavesailing Titles

Created by WsurfingSA > 9 months ago, 6 Jun 2019
SA, 391 posts
6 Jun 2019 4:34PM
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Hi All

It's looking like we can run Round 1 of the Ocean Surf Co Windsurfing SA State Wavesailing Titles possibly on Monday at Day St.

We'll give it the Yes or No as we get a bit closer.

So keep an Eye out on this page and Facebook to find out what's gonna happen.

So if you want to be involved make sure to sign up your Windsurfing SA Membership at Tidy HQ WIndsurfing SA

Windsurfing SA

SA, 1436 posts
7 Jun 2019 7:45AM
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It's my wedding anniversary that day. This could be a real relationship tester...

SA, 279 posts
7 Jun 2019 8:44AM
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gmitton said..
It's my wedding anniversary that day. This could be a real relationship tester...

She knew what she was getting into!!

SA, 279 posts
7 Jun 2019 8:55AM
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The Victor Harbour Council has given a warning regarding rigging on the "Sand Dunes", They don't want people to rig up where everyone has for the last 20yrs.
This photo is from the permit application and is part of the condition of granting the permit.
I wouldn't be surprised if the inspector comes down and has a visit.
As you can see from this photo it is something that they are concerned about.
My advice is stay off the grass or potentially get a fine, they won't fine you directly but watch what car your in and post the fine to the registered owners.

SA, 3590 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:31AM
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291 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:52AM
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Hmm hope you got the permit from the MORONS at Alexandrina Council and not Victor.

SA, 279 posts
7 Jun 2019 12:04PM
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SHEETIN said..
Hmm hope you got the permit from the MORONS at Alexandrina Council and not Victor.

Yes from Alexandrina Council!!

SA, 3025 posts
7 Jun 2019 3:16PM
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You might want to consider a weed fin going by today's paddle ??

Some serious mounds of stinky dribbleton weed from point to cliffs and beyond

SA, 200 posts
7 Jun 2019 7:47PM
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What about considering the other car park closer to the point - the "grassy"... surely no regs there re using the grassy area?

SA, 1171 posts
7 Jun 2019 8:39PM
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Just noticed heaps of trees planted at Day St and that's why we have to stay off the old rigging spot
So please respect it so WSA don't get in the ****.
It's going to be flagged off

Let's enjoy the day for what it is

SA, 279 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:00PM
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profian said..
What about considering the other car park closer to the point - the "grassy"... surely no regs there re using the grassy area?

That's a good point, unfortunately the council has given approval permit for the Chapman rd car park, and in these times of insurance phobia, you need a permit for insurance and you need insurance for a permit.

It has been brought up but as the council has said Chapman rd, that's where it is going to be.

Anyone can attended any of the Windsurfing SA meetings are welcomed to contribute to the ongoing success of these events.

James did a fantastic job in the past and to maintain the relationship with Alexandrina Council he has built up over the last few years and it was decided by all parties that Chapman rd, due to having a larger carpark is the only suitable place to hold a Windsurfing comp.

It shouldn't be an issue that you can't rig up on the dunes, which are pretty fingered anyway. It's classic first world problem. lol

Hopefully the forecast comes thru, and i can get everyone their Tshirts and stickers.

The spotlight should be on having a good day, hopefully getting some wavesailing and laughing at Bondy when you get the chance.

SA, 1436 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:48PM
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Sanity !

SA, 1436 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:51PM
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Just don't be stupid and we will be ok. Board on the sand and rig in the car park and all will be fine. Let's not get knotted up by the trolls pls!!

SA, 635 posts
7 Jun 2019 11:35PM
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asdmuzak said..

profian said..
What about considering the other car park closer to the point - the "grassy"... surely no regs there re using the grassy area?

That's a good point, unfortunately the council has given approval permit for the Chapman rd car park, and in these times of insurance phobia, you need a permit for insurance and you need insurance for a permit.

It has been brought up but as the council has said Chapman rd, that's where it is going to be.

Anyone can attended any of the Windsurfing SA meetings are welcomed to contribute to the ongoing success of these events.

James did a fantastic job in the past and to maintain the relationship with Alexandrina Council he has built up over the last few years and it was decided by all parties that Chapman rd, due to having a larger carpark is the only suitable place to hold a Windsurfing comp.

It shouldn't be an issue that you can't rig up on the dunes, which are pretty fingered anyway. It's classic first world problem. lol

Hopefully the forecast comes thru, and i can get everyone their Tshirts and stickers.

The spotlight should be on having a good day, hopefully getting some wavesailing and laughing at Bondy when you get the chance.

Nothing to see here, move on folks.

SA, 391 posts
9 Jun 2019 12:19PM
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Hi All,

As the forecast for Monday is as follows

Monday 10 June
Gale Warning for Monday for Upper South East Coast
Winds North to northwesterly 30 to 40 knots tending west to northwesterly 20 to 30 knots around sunrise then becoming northwesterly 15 to 25 knots around midday.
Seas 2 to 4 metres, decreasing to 1.5 to 2.5 metres around midday.

We will be running Round 1 Of The Ocean Surf Co, Windsurfing SA State Wavesailing Series.

Briefing will be at 9 am at Chapman Rd. and on the water as soon as possible.

Please register if you haven't already.

Windsurfing SA

SA, 635 posts
9 Jun 2019 12:30PM
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We will have BBQ snags available (gold coin donation) and Beers ($2 donation).

SA, 1436 posts
9 Jun 2019 1:43PM
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Can't wait. Will bring the big zoom camera to get some footage. Will do a quicker edit than normal...

SA, 635 posts
9 Jun 2019 2:37PM
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gmitton said..
Can't wait. Will bring the big zoom camera to get some footage. Will do a quicker edit than normal...

Does that mean you might even post the edit in this decade

SA, 1436 posts
9 Jun 2019 4:28PM
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Aspirational target Bondy!

SA, 391 posts
14 Jun 2019 5:20PM
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Hi All.

Well done to everyone who turned up to Round 1 of The Ocean Surf Co, State Wavesailing Series.

Conditions started off fairly good and deteriorated as the day went on.

But that's Day St for you.

Big thanks to all who help organise and run the day.

1st Dave Bond
2nd Ty Andrews
3rd Ian Rushton
4th Tim Chapman

1st Dave Turner

Cancelled due to wind dropping out.

1st Kym Symonds

Remember that we are running a best of 3 rounds so there is still chance to take out your mate in the next 2!!

WIndsurfing SA


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Round 1 State Wavesailing Titles" started by WsurfingSA