Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Safe, windsurfer locations for

Created by Grange > 9 months ago, 22 Dec 2019
SA, 2 posts
22 Dec 2019 9:07PM
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I'm new to the Semaphore / Grange area and want start windsurfing again after a gap of a few years. Can anyone suggest safe places so I can find my feet again. Also, is it a legal requirement to wear a life jacket, and if so advise one which ones are safe, but don't get in the way would be appreciated.

SA, 2508 posts
22 Dec 2019 9:59PM
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Assuming you are going out in 5-15kt winds (for beginner), then you can't get into trouble. The swell will always take you back to shore. It's a good idea to sail with somebody. If you go to Sems, let other sailors know you're a beginner and ask them to look out for you. They should be more than happy to do that. If it gets too hard in the shore break, pack up and go to the Causeway (top of West Lakes) for flat water practice.

Yes, it's a legal requirement. Wearing one of these isn't a bad idea if you are starting out. I recommend the Neil Pryde high hook bouyancy vents (50 or 50S rating). sell them for about $150.

Welcome back and probably will see you around


SA, 2 posts
23 Dec 2019 6:35PM
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Thanks Jn1, I was a good intermediate, and sailing a Firemove 112, can't say my gybes were ever bullet proof though!! its been 2 or 3 years, so hopefully after a few sessions I will start remembering what to do, or not to do.. I will look forward to meeting you on the beach at some point soon.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Safe, windsurfer locations for" started by Grange