Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Windsurfing SA Memberships

Created by WsurfingSA > 9 months ago, 22 May 2019
SA, 391 posts
22 May 2019 4:47PM
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Hey Everyone,

New WSA Shirts and Stickers have arrived!!

Memberships are going to be changed so that from late May you will be able to register for the year to allow competitors to be registered before The 3 month window of June/July/August for the Ocean Surf Winter Wave Series.

Memberships with a Tshirt etc are $50 and without are $35.

All Memberships gain entry into all events and insurance for the events, and an entry into the end of year raffle.

So support Windsurfing in SA and get into it, the more who join mean the more that we can get things happening here in SA.

We will notify here on Seabreeze and FB when the change in memberships are ready to go on Tidy HQ Windsurfing SA page.

SA, 391 posts
24 May 2019 2:12PM
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WSA Memberships and Ocean Surf Co Winter Wavesailing Series are now open online at

This enable all who want to participate in the winter wave series and eliminates having to pay twice.

Remember that when you join you instantly go in the draw for prizes at the end of year raffle/show.

If you just want regular membership they will be open from the 30/06/2019 for $30.

SA, 391 posts
24 May 2019 5:14PM
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Good work to all those who have paid today.

As it's looking like it's going to be on this weekend, if you see Ian Rushton hit him up for your Tshirt and stickers he'll have them on him.

Cheers Everyone.

SA, 1190 posts
24 May 2019 5:29PM
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Great work.

SA, 391 posts
31 May 2019 2:03PM
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Hi to all,

Just to let anyone know whose is interested, you don't have to join the Wave series to join the club and receive a Tshirt and Sticker.

All memberships enable entry to all Windsurfing SA events, end of year raffle entry, insurance a Tshirt and stickers.

Although it says Winter wave series it was done so people could pay and be covered for the 1st of June, so If you want you can still join thru that option and receive a tshirt etc. and be part of Windsurfing SA.

Windsurfing SA


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Windsurfing SA Memberships" started by WsurfingSA