Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Windsurfing around Semaphore

Created by RealDaniel > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2023
SA, 2 posts
8 Sep 2023 3:16PM
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Hi folks, we just moved to Australia for half a year, and are living in the beautiful city of Semaphore just North of Adelaide. Couldn't bring anything on the plane so got no gear at the moment, not even a wetsuit :( We do have a car though.

So basically I'm after any useful info for our situation: would love to windsurf but would need to rent gear too. Since we'll move in 6 months, probably wouldn't want to buy anything, but so far haven't found any windsurfing rental places in the Adelaide metro area but I imagine that can't possibly be the case :)

And what would be the best spots around?

What I did find is a kite rental place / school not too far, Ride Kitesurfing a bit North of Semaphore so if the windsurfing project fails I'll try kite surfing, haven't done that at all before (would be happy to try though). This seems like a reasonable backup plan but haven't given up on windsurfing yet!

A windsurfing school would also be great, there are tons of ways I could improve, so if you guys know any I'm all ears!

lao shi
WA, 1319 posts
8 Sep 2023 5:05PM
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No rental, sorry. What gear are you looking for?
Couple of shops oceansurfco and
binksmarine which does lessons for winging
and a Facebook group
South Aussie windsurfers
Wouldn't let me post links but do a search.
The Windsurf community here is really friendly and there is probably some older gear that could be loaned/ donated. I can offer a 5m wave sail or possibly a patched up 4.7.
Buy and sell on this site also has some stuff.
You can sail at Semaphore South on a South West Seabreeze which is the normal summer direction. But this time of year Seacliff or North Haven for West South West or North West.
Good luck

SA, 2 posts
9 Sep 2023 2:01PM
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Thanks very much! :)

Will check out the facebook group and will also post here if the weather is nicer. In terms of gear I normally use a 120-125L board and 5 - 6.5 sail depending on conditions. Not a pro in any sense of the word but love windsuring and have been doing it for a long time (should be much better by now considering the length of time :)).

It looks like Ride Kitesurfing is also offering wing foil lessons, something which I haven't tried before, maybe I'll give that a shot.

And thanks a lot for the location tips, will check those out!

SA, 1200 posts
9 Sep 2023 3:39PM
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SA, 10 posts
5 Oct 2023 5:52PM
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I like Semaphore in the summer. Green grass for rigging, launch from the path just to the south of Noonies on the Beach, round the corner from Bower Rd. The breakwater makes for easier beachstarts and flatter inside gybes. It's good bump n jump conditions. It's surprising how strong the seabreeze gets up there. Here is a link to other SA spots: Keep an eye on Facebook Marketplace, something might come up cheaper than renting...

SA, 31 posts
9 Oct 2023 2:26PM
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Hi Daniel I have older used sail and mast and boom only boards I re 92l or 96l live down at South at Sheidow park if you down this way come by and can sort u out with something

SA, 1 posts
4 Feb 2024 10:44AM
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RealDaniel said..
Hi folks, we just moved to Australia for half a year, and are living in the beautiful city of Semaphore just North of Adelaide. Couldn't bring anything on the plane so got no gear at the moment, not even a wetsuit :( We do have a car though.

So basically I'm after any useful info for our situation: would love to windsurf but would need to rent gear too. Since we'll move in 6 months, probably wouldn't want to buy anything, but so far haven't found any windsurfing rental places in the Adelaide metro area but I imagine that can't possibly be the case :)

And what would be the best spots around?

What I did find is a kite rental place / school not too far, Ride Kitesurfing a bit North of Semaphore so if the windsurfing project fails I'll try kite surfing, haven't done that at all before (would be happy to try though). This seems like a reasonable backup plan but haven't given up on windsurfing yet!

A windsurfing school would also be great, there are tons of ways I could improve, so if you guys know any I'm all ears!

Just joined, selling all my gear sema4 area


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Windsurfing around Semaphore" started by RealDaniel