Tim says
"Next swell is on the horizon (well hitting WA soon) it looks more organised and more south/southwest this time hopefully wind plays ball and we may get BOL at mast to mast and a half with clean wind ."
Just hoping a few of us can catch it if it happened to work next weekend or abouts ,we are going to be a man down in Antman but this would be the mid "summer " perfect southwester, with just the right amount of swell and good direction.(easier sailing than Buxton just more remote)
For mast and a half you want a good solid swell over 6-8m from W or SW, which we just had. A S-SW swell has to turn over 90 degrees to line up onto the reef.
Just trying to forget missing yesterday
Reading for 6pm bom yesterday
25/27 knots SW with 6m west/SW swell