Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Calling El Pres

Created by Gclark1 > 9 months ago, 16 Sep 2015
TAS, 837 posts
30 Sep 2015 6:11AM
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Windy Thursday. Cm'onnn! El Pres. We're over hearing about loops. Pull the trigger and stick a landing I'll film it for evidence you can silence the Nothern detractors once and for all.
Oh but haven't you already got sevidence. Show us proof.

TAS, 546 posts
30 Sep 2015 6:29AM
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GO ON Relic - get into him!

TAS, 837 posts
30 Sep 2015 6:40AM
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TAS, 3173 posts
6 Oct 2015 9:13PM
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The moment you've all been waiting for!!!

ANT'S FORWARD LOOP CLINIC SESSION 1 ---------------------LIVE!!!!!!!!!!

In eleven easy steps

1. Pick the right wave - you can see I've picked a nice easy wave
2. Bear off - yes nice
3. Sheet out - yes good sail position
4. Back hand right down the boom - note hand not in best position
5. Pop off the wave - note no pop
6. Tuck up with back leg - note leg over extended
7. Push sail forward and across - not good (****house actually)
8. Look back - note still looking forward (sought of gutless really)
9. Sheet in - nice
10. Sheet out on landing - not a happy landing
11. Stay low sail away - note got the stay low bit right but not the sail away


You'd be right in thinking that wasn't a loop but look at the positives I got 4 out of 11 moves right.

Session 2 will be posted at the end of this season and should show some improvement.

TAS, 546 posts
6 Oct 2015 9:30PM
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The best bit about that is that the sail is powered up the whole time, and there are two hands on the boom.

THAT is the big step - NOT CHUCKING IT.

TAS, 423 posts
7 Oct 2015 7:41PM
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Gclark1 said..
The best bit about that is that the sail is powered up the whole time, and there are two hands on the boom.

THAT is the big step - NOT CHUCKING IT.

Up until now I thought that a loop required the board to actually leave the surface of the water.... I'm comforted by the fact that I'm closer to nailing a loop than I thought, with quite a repertoire of manouvers that involve pivoting around the mast base while clutching the boom.

TAS, 3173 posts
7 Oct 2015 8:03PM
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If you check the posts and our numerous conversations you'll realise I NEVER EVER said I could loop...................... you guys asked me whether I was looping and I just grinned ...................but I did say I would post a learn to loop video and I did.......................... if you watch the video long enough you'll never loop so my advice is pull your own fingers out and pull your own triggers.............. luckily for me it's mental health week, maybe a doctor can help me before I top myself or die of old age............................5 years training, 3 overseas clinics and absolutely nothing to show for it ....................AGHGHHGHHHHHHHGGHHHRRHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

But I will NEVER EVER give up no matter how much those Bell Boyz bag me up

WA, 991 posts
7 Oct 2015 8:05PM
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There's alway kite looping on a sit down kite board ( yes they exist )

TAS, 837 posts
8 Oct 2015 6:57AM
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There was a dude doing it at Carlton. Surprised you didn't take his lead! Perfect conditions. No excuses! Sequence below is your "Textbook" Memorise and "Pull"the trigger!

TAS, 167 posts
8 Oct 2015 7:49AM
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Don't try it in that sequence!.......... Looks like photos 2 and 3 need to be swapped around?

TAS, 2648 posts
8 Oct 2015 9:07AM
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Is the sailor in the footstraps in photo 4.

TAS, 167 posts
8 Oct 2015 10:50AM
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The following headcam video is some of my attempts from about 6 years ago in WA ......I'm still not good at them and need to look back more but the fear isn't there anymore (on this tack) so hopefully this may help others.

These attempts came after watching a YouTube video which I can't locate now but the best advice was about basically doing an arial jybe and throwing yourself around so when you crash you land on your back under your gear and not on top of your gear....the following is something I just found which suggests a similar strategy of staying under your sail

I now have to learn to do this on the opposite tack so will be joining the loop attempt crew.

TAS, 546 posts
12 Oct 2015 6:08AM
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I agree with the aerial gybe comment - I always thought that the best strategy I had at the start was to eyeball a patch of water dead ahead, just beyond a piece of chop, and simply try to land on my shoulder blades on that water. It guaranteed that I was under the rig and I never hurt myself or the board doing this. Any additional rotation, that naturally came in time, was a bonus.

All the tweaks - hand back, look back, lift your legs, sheet in, pop the board, rig forward, blah, blah, all extraneous until you can get to this point with your feet in the straps and your boom in your hands.

TAS, 2648 posts
6 Nov 2015 7:37AM
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Jem Hall TIPS.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Calling El Pres" started by Gclark1