Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Easter wind

Created by geared4knots > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2018
TAS, 2648 posts
26 Mar 2018 9:02PM
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Thinking of Marrawah, but poor wind.
Low Head / Bell bouy looks good Friday, I will go and overnight camp if anyone interested.
nice flat water sailing for slalom guys and waves as well. we will even invite our crossover kite mates.

TAS, 1664 posts
27 Mar 2018 6:48AM
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The forcast is a little light but definitely going to better up north. We are planning on Wynyard friday night and somewhere up north in the van Saturday/Sunday come back Monday.
Sat looks WSW turning WNW on sunday, maybe green point Sunday?

TAS, 546 posts
28 Mar 2018 3:57PM
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MSW is saying just a shade over 20 knots, so I would not be canning all other plans at the moment. It does look somewhat promising though, and I will be watching those forecasts pretty closely, and not making other arrangements just yet.

We had a fairly mad day on Sunday - 30-40 knots and some testing bumps, on a VERY short period, and changeable wind. Not many brave souls that day - Luka, Paul, Greenie and me. No photos though...

TAS, 135 posts
28 Mar 2018 4:11PM
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Gclark1 said..
MSW is saying just a shade over 20 knots, so I would not be canning all other plans at the moment. It does look somewhat promising though, and I will be watching those forecasts pretty closely, and not making other arrangements just yet.

We had a fairly mad day on Sunday - 30-40 knots and some testing bumps, on a VERY short period, and changeable wind. Not many brave souls that day - Luka, Paul, Greenie and me. No photos though...

Following on a mad Sunday...

Monday provided the best hour of Bell Buoy sailing in a long time... The wind swung to WSW and with the up to mast high clean waves still remaining, Al, Paul and I got some great rides. After an hour the wind swung back to W and the swell started to drop, but the conditions were still very good for a few hours.

TAS, 546 posts
29 Mar 2018 9:13PM
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Tough call for tomorrow. BOM is the most optimistic, suggesting 'reaching 30 knots during the day'.

Early birds get worms, apparently.

TAS, 546 posts
30 Mar 2018 6:26AM
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Even tougher call - BOM and Seabreeze reckon increasing in the afternoon, MSW disagrees, and the high tide is around 11.00 - definite morning sail or possible afternoon sail?

TAS, 546 posts
30 Mar 2018 6:53AM
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Gusting over 30 knots now, so higher than predicted. High tide is close and a pre-high sail would be short.
I am thinking of a midday arrival at B.B. for a (fingers crossed) afternoon blast.

Any other thought out there?

TAS, 2648 posts
30 Mar 2018 7:50AM
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Decided to stay down south and do the Carlton Cup- Hopefully

TAS, 2433 posts
30 Mar 2018 8:13AM
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Keeping an out further south, Sandpits

TAS, 546 posts
30 Mar 2018 9:10AM
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Pinkies crosses that GOOD FRIDAY is actually GREAT FRIDAY, north and south!

TAS, 979 posts
31 Mar 2018 11:53AM
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Rustbucket and I had a pretty good sail at East Beach on Fri arvo. 15-25 knots with a few holes and okay waves here and there. How was Bellbuoy?

Monday looking pretty respectable too at this stage.


TAS, 546 posts
31 Mar 2018 4:51PM
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Bellbuoy started out heavy, wind and waves, but both dropped away as the day wore on.

Waves started at around half mast sets but quickly fell to head / shoulder.

Wind started at mid to high 20's gusting over 30, and kept it up most of the afternoon.

waves dropped to bigger all by 4.00, when the wind had a breather too.

PAul and I got off the water just before 4.00.

The real problem was the short wave period, which we have had a lot of lately - must have been about 5 seconds. You hardly had time to get back on the water after a launch.

Not a classic, but could have been a lot worse.

TAS, 979 posts
2 Apr 2018 7:22PM
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It was all on at Bellbuoy today with at least 11 on the water. 20 to maybe 30 knots with 6 foot high wave faces here and there.

I think there are a few good photos floating around. Hopefully we will get to see a few shortly.

Two sails in four days is what a good Easter Bunny should bring every year.


TAS, 367 posts
3 Apr 2018 8:46PM
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Photos from the session at Bellbuoy on Monday

TAS, 135 posts
4 Apr 2018 8:21AM
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A few more shots of the day by Claire.

Apart from going through my 4.5 Blade, it was a great day on the water, and definitely a nice change to have so many people around.

TAS, 546 posts
5 Apr 2018 8:33AM
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Nasty old day that one - at least 'it happened'.

Thanks for shooting and posting you photographers. It's always nice to know that it wasn't a dream, or a nightmare as the case may be.

TAS, 2648 posts
5 Apr 2018 10:14AM
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Those Simmer sails look great on the water Jason


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Easter wind" started by geared4knots