Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania


Created by FoS > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2016
TAS, 1664 posts
23 Feb 2016 6:08AM
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Hey all the AGM and the Stanley weekend are almost apon us.

It is time to get nominations for positions out of the way ready to be voted on.
Also raise topics for discussion.
There has been some discussion on the forums about things people would like to see happen, and it would be great to see some changes.

I have to bow out as treasurer and public officer(2 positions) I have a bit on at the moment with 2 jobs and 3 subjects at Uni each semester.

It doesn't take much time, and can be rewarding if you put in. If you want to see this sport grow, and have some time, put yourself forward, or put someone else forward if you think they have good ideas.

TAS, 1664 posts
25 Feb 2016 5:31AM
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Positions that need nomination are

The AWA representative sits along side WT and liases with the national group

The executive consists of
Public officer

Then the committee
Committee members up to 8

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
25 Feb 2016 9:48AM
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Well I would like to nominate geared4knots for elPres, that is unless we can get "The Donald".

TAS, 3173 posts
25 Feb 2016 10:42PM
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Some words of wisdom from a retiring President

TAS, 104 posts
26 Feb 2016 2:24AM
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So thats why the yanks go around bustin caps into each others arses

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
26 Feb 2016 5:37PM
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I would like to vote Al for President. Also since the southern guys have quit the major positions I think maybe a shift is in the air for the northern guys to take those roles if they are interested.

TAS, 3173 posts
26 Feb 2016 10:19PM
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Steve Charles said..
I would like to vote Al for President. Also since the southern guys have quit the major positions I think maybe a shift is in the air for the northern guys to take those roles if they are interested.

You're right Steve it would be great to see the baton handed over to the north

TAS, 1664 posts
27 Feb 2016 2:58AM
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I'll nominate Gillian to remain secretary, and 2nd Al for president

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
27 Feb 2016 9:43AM
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FoS said..
I'll nominate Gillian to remain secretary, and 2nd Al for president

Thanks Fos I am super happy to accept your nomination for president, but only if Theo (who is 10) can be treasurer. That way all decisions regarding WT can be made during breakfast at Salisbury Crescent. This arrangement will most closely resemble the political structure of Russia and I hope to lead WT in the same way Vladimir Putin leads Russia. .....Did I mention my plan to invade Greece so that every WT member will have access to free windsurfing holidays during the colder months. Did I mention my plan to build a wall at many Mexicans coming up north to sail Bell Buoy.....

Naturally I will still continue to run Tasmanians only Slalom race and the only learners Lagoon Beach....

For vice president I would like to nominate Johnny Walker....

TAS, 2648 posts
27 Feb 2016 2:01PM
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So that's a no I quess

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
27 Feb 2016 5:27PM
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Al Planet said..

FoS said..
I'll nominate Gillian to remain secretary, and 2nd Al for president

Thanks Fos I am super happy to accept your nomination for president, but only if Theo (who is 10) can be treasurer. That way all decisions regarding WT can be made during breakfast at Salisbury Crescent. This arrangement will most closely resemble the political structure of Russia and I hope to lead WT in the same way Vladimir Putin leads Russia. .....Did I mention my plan to invade Greece so that every WT member will have access to free windsurfing holidays during the colder months. Did I mention my plan to build a wall at many Mexicans coming up north to sail Bell Buoy.....

Naturally I will still continue to run Tasmanians only Slalom race and the only learners Lagoon Beach....

For vice president I would like to nominate Johnny Walker....

Your starting to sound like the guys down south.

TAS, 2648 posts
27 Feb 2016 8:05PM
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Where do you live now Steve?

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
27 Feb 2016 8:29PM
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Oops thought I deleted that coment

TAS, 423 posts
28 Feb 2016 8:42AM
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When/where is the actual AGM held?
Looking to book accommodation, but probably only night

TAS, 1664 posts
28 Feb 2016 11:44AM
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Traditionally the AGM is held in the Stanley caravan park BBQ area.
We meet after racing, have a BBQ and sometime the formal proceedings happen.

TAS, 488 posts
28 Feb 2016 5:57PM
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I'm happy to stay on as a committee member as well as look after the northern learner gear for the next season. Up to my eyeballs with renovations this year so that will be the extent of my commitment to WT.

TAS, 2648 posts
28 Feb 2016 9:09PM
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That will be the same for me as well, happy to stay on the committee to help with the learner gear with Ant.

Anyone out there???, put your hand up if you want to be on the the windsurfing tas board, as committee or fill one of the roles mentioned.
Mention on this post that you are interested and you will be nominated, ( unless you are are a raving psycho maniac
IF we dont fill the positions we will loose Windsurfing Tas.


TAS, 367 posts
28 Feb 2016 9:40PM
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I'm happy to stay on as secretary.

TAS, 3173 posts
29 Feb 2016 12:04AM
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Gillianv said...
I'm happy to stay on as secretary.

Thanks Gill I'll second your nomination and second Damien for committee member. I'm happy to stay on as committee member look after learner boards and help with the learner day in the south.

TAS, 2648 posts
29 Feb 2016 7:07AM
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I will second Anthony Houston as a Committee memeber

TAS, 71 posts
29 Feb 2016 8:15AM
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geared4knots said..
I will second Anthony Houston as a Committee memeber

Not knowing much at all regarding the mechanics of WT, as well as living in the deep, deep south the state, and the fact that my current gig only has me on land for six months of the year, I can throw my hat in the ring for committee if it means WT could go under?

WA, 991 posts
29 Feb 2016 5:19AM
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Time to start a Tas wave sailors association and get the Marrawah trip photos in the national magazine build a club profile ,get some sponsorship dollars and prizes to make running a wave competion or two possible at Marrawah and Bellboy(this is what I am hearing on the beach)add a pro like flo jo or two and suddenly the annual wave comp at Marrawah in January is the place for east coasters to be

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
29 Feb 2016 9:57AM
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Flouro1 said..
Time to start a Tas wave sailors association and get the Marrawah trip photos in the national magazine build a club profile ,get some sponsorship dollars and prizes to make running a wave competion or two possible at Marrawah and Bellboy(this is what I am hearing on the beach)

Sounds like you are the man to be wavesailor rep on WT. This was my task in the last 12 months and I definitely failed.
If I can pass on any wisdom to a future wave sailing coordinator it is .....don't work 6 days a week....In fact don't work at all if you can avoid it.
Don't be wavesailing coordinator in an El Nino year. That one day on the water 2 weeks ago was the first time I have used my shiny Quad in 6 months.
There has been lots of great conditions on the West coast for wavesailing this summer but that has been very hard for me to organise with only Sundays free.

The difficulty WT has does not come from a lack of people windsurfing in Tas. Mostly it is due to the small size of our population and the fact that people can get the sorts of things that an organisation normally provides ( coordination of activities, a social forum, feedback from peers both positive and negative ) for free from the 'net, be that Seabreeze , a Facebook group or one of the many phone apps.

I personally still think WT serves an important service in presenting the official public face of windsurfing and allowing the organization of events that need proper liability insurance and it would be a pity to see it fold.

While as I have mentioned previously I don't think I have the time to be President (a task that may not require enormous intelligence but does need someone who is quite good looking and can travel around a bit and be seen at the beach). Hey....there is nothing wrong with electing a good looking and intelligent president if that person was to put themselves forward for the task!!!

I am willing to give the treasurers job a go.....and would try not to do a Christopher Skase with the WT millions....Hawaii is supposed to be very nice at this time of year.

TAS, 2648 posts
29 Feb 2016 10:19AM
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I nominate Al Cook for treasurer and Seapig as committee member (Chris)

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
29 Feb 2016 9:36AM
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Ok looks like things are gaining momentum which is great. I second both of those nomations ( Al and Chris).

TAS, 423 posts
29 Feb 2016 5:47PM
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If the bottom of the barrel has been scraped, and you've still come up short, I'd put my hand up for a committee member (or any other) position . I certainly wouldn't like the thought of WT folding. I don't know too many members that well, so i might get away with being a raving psycho maniac this time.

PS: I can also arrange a pretty good cheese platter for committee meetings (not that that should in any way be seen as bribery )

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
29 Feb 2016 6:10PM
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Mort67 said..
If the bottom of the barrel has been scraped, and you've still come up short, I'd put my hand up for a committee member (or any other) position . I certainly wouldn't like the thought of WT folding. I don't know too many members that well, so i might get away with being a raving psycho maniac this time.

PS: I can also arrange a pretty good cheese platter for committee meetings (not that that should in any way be seen as bribery )

TAS, 3173 posts
29 Feb 2016 11:09PM
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I'll second you Mort67 we could do with another Psycho on the committee

I'd like to nominate Fluro he'd fit the bill he's a nice down to earth psycho which could balance off the weird ones and a bloody good wave sailor........... or so he says

WA, 991 posts
1 Mar 2016 4:16AM
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Always keep a jar of home made
F I G J A M in the pantry at home
u m o u s e
c -- o s k -
$ -- d t - -

Delicious on a lettuce sandwich

TAS, 423 posts
1 Mar 2016 7:17AM
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Is there a published agenda/plan for the weekend? Being a long weekend accommodation is a bit scarce/scary so, if staying one night, would Sat or Sunday be betterer?

WA, 991 posts
1 Mar 2016 4:36AM
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Goats yesterday


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"RND 4 - STANLEY WEEKEND & AGM 12-14 MARCH" started by FoS