Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Tappo's pics of BOL

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 28 Feb 2015
TAS, 3173 posts
28 Feb 2015 6:02PM
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A few more pics of our BOL trip in late December.
Tappo sat there most of the day chatting to his old mate Artis and snapped off a few pics. We just got hold of them via Veitzy. If anyone wants the USB let me know and we'll pass it around.

Thanks TAPPO you're a legend.

Getting out through the channel is a walk in the park, looks gnarly but you can see there's no beach break to contend with. Just walk over the rocks into the wind line, water start, dog out about 70m then you're off and planning.

That's Nick and Simon

You can see here I'm still dogging but just about to hit the plane. Note also there's no waves in the channel so for anyone trying this for the first time you can keep away from the waves then as your confidence builds you start to move onto the edge of the wave zone.

Jordon out there for the first time didn't procrastinate just went straight into the wave

Nick Taylor only comes out of the woodwork when BOL is big and blowing it's tits off. I think Nick's sheep don't like getting undressed in the cold so they tell him to bugger off

Buzzy smashing in his usual style putting in a mammoth five hour session. We all thought he was trying get up the rankings on the GPS Challenge

First time for Tim (Fluro) who normally goes on and on about how good WA is until we're sick of listening. I asked him what he thought of this place and with a typical Fluro comment he said "ah not tooo bad"

No point in asking me what I think of this place, you've all heard of it's f#$$$@#$ world class

Have to leave the best till last.
Simon Hansen, born in Tassie but ran off to Canberra to become Tony Abbott's media advisor, came back to visit his old mates and suggested over a beer we should get a session in at BOL before we all got too old...........and it happened!!!!!

A close up of the previous pic shows you just how big and clean the swell got in the last hour of the day

This was early in the day, the swell got better as the day wore on but just I thought it was a nice shot................well we love it

TAS, 543 posts
28 Feb 2015 7:22PM
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Wow x3
Firstly - Ant a coherent post that was a good read ... is that a first?
Second - the pictures certainly told a story, amazing shots, Spot guide update soon...
Thirdly - wow

Can someone teach him how to Dropbox and share the link so 'the internet' can get these world class Windsurfing photos?
Well done for spending that much time behind a computer screen Ant - worthy pres

TAS, 3173 posts
28 Feb 2015 9:14PM
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Sh.t I missed the best pic of me !!!

SA, 492 posts
28 Feb 2015 9:00PM
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Great post BOL looks the bomb Don't believe everything Fluro says.

TAS, 88 posts
1 Mar 2015 4:27AM
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Great stuff Tappo and Ant, was an awesome session! Great to see everyone having a blast plenty of hooting going on. Looking forward to getting back there soon


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Tappo's pics of BOL" started by houston