Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Wavesailing Round 2

Created by Al Planet > 9 months ago, 6 Dec 2017
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
6 Dec 2017 3:44PM
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At this stage I am moving the briefing to 1pm on Sunday at Bell Buoy. I think there is a good chance of sailable conditions and I hope to see you all at the beach ready to do your very best spinning and looping and smashing of the small and mostly harmless north coast waves. The tide is low in the middle of the day which usually provides the best jumping conditions and I think the Seabreeze could give the westerly an extra kick.

TAS, 2648 posts
6 Dec 2017 9:17PM
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Do you mean Saturday Al?
Forecast is stronger.

TAS, 135 posts
7 Dec 2017 10:29AM
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The wind looks good for the event this weekend!

I have to concur with Damien that Saturday looks better, with the late morning/midday being the best with low tide and somewhat bigger swell than on Sunday.
Sunday should provide a good sea-breeze in the afternoon , but with smaller waves.

Anyhow, it is good to see the wind coming back after two months of misery.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
7 Dec 2017 11:40AM
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Ok so there seems to be some Enthusiasm for Saturday and the forecast is definitely better so lets roll with that.

Briefing at 1 pm on Saturday.

TAS, 2433 posts
8 Dec 2017 8:37AM
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That's great Al. Pity we can't start earlier to maximise the wind and low tide.

TAS, 2343 posts
8 Dec 2017 8:59AM
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I'm in! Bit earlier would suit me too because I have a family function on Saturday night back in Hobart.

TAS, 367 posts
8 Dec 2017 4:45PM
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Alan is already taking the afternoon off work on a day that he wasn't planning to to meet the wind preference for Saturday. Starting at 1 should give us the couple of hours required for the session.

TAS, 2343 posts
8 Dec 2017 5:29PM
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Ok see you sometime between 12 & 1. Will be a nice leisurely cruise up the hwy then.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
8 Dec 2017 5:41PM
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OK so lets go with the Briefing at 12 midday.

.........Hey I know Geoff, Luka and Greeny will be there at 7am so hopefully they still have some energy left to compete!

TAS, 2343 posts
8 Dec 2017 6:56PM
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Ok see you for the 12.00 briefing. Thanks Al

TAS, 193 posts
8 Dec 2017 7:44PM
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Al Planet said..
OK so lets go with the Briefing at 12 midday.

.........Hey I know Geoff, Luka and Greeny will be there at 7am so hopefully they still have some energy left to compete!

Although I was on my dirt bike all day, climbing mountains, dodging snakes and rode about 76km through hot harsh terrain! Yes....I'll be there at 7am. Clarky meanwhile had a good session at BB on 4.5 and landed 3 out of 15 backies! He's losing It i tell you . Hope the wind cooperates for everyone tomorrow

WA, 991 posts
8 Dec 2017 7:57PM
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The Biggest clash ...two tribes go to war ..North Vs South ..Buzzy vs Clarky it's on like a McGregor cage fight at bellboy

TAS, 2648 posts
8 Dec 2017 11:09PM
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Jordan is thinking he knows he could kick ass, he may turn up.

TAS, 2433 posts
9 Dec 2017 5:53AM
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Lets hope Jordan does turn up. Would be great to have someone to push everyone that bit further in both wave riding and jumping.
Is he out of nappies yet or will his Dad still need to sign a permission formNo point in someone claiming 'he knows he could kick ass'. You've got to be in it to prove it, or it's just more talk. We want to see it, not hear the talk. The only ass that will be getting kicked will be Jordan's if he doesn't get moving and get up there to do his bit to raise the standard of sailing in the state.

TAS, 423 posts
9 Dec 2017 10:11AM
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looking good!

TAS, 147 posts
9 Dec 2017 2:57PM
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Better quality pics to come but you get the idea

TAS, 52 posts
9 Dec 2017 3:37PM
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TAS, 367 posts
9 Dec 2017 6:07PM
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What a great day. Feeling lucky we had a windy day after so little wind of late.
Its a bit of a challenge to pick who is who with all those red orange and pink sails on the water.

TAS, 543 posts
9 Dec 2017 8:19PM
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Absolutely superb to see Tassie hold another massive event in the same year with brilliant conditions. Well done guys.

WA, 991 posts
9 Dec 2017 5:25PM
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And the winner was windsurfing?

TAS, 367 posts
9 Dec 2017 8:51PM
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Time for results !
Which have been tallied in the following way;
5 points for a 1 on the ballot, 4 points for a second, etc, etc to position five on the ballot.

Kaleb Smith - 49 points
John Green - 36 points
Geoff Clark & Jordon Bradford - 35 points each
Hamish Crisp & Alan Cook - equal points
Jason Smith

Karren Roberts - 44 points
Gill vdSchans - 37 points

12 entrants and about 17 on the water, a very busy Bell Buoy

WA, 991 posts
9 Dec 2017 5:57PM
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TAS, 2648 posts
9 Dec 2017 9:13PM
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Well done everyone.
Looks like a great day.

TAS, 443 posts
9 Dec 2017 9:29PM
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Looks like you guys gals had a ball .
Pushing each other, all day, by the looks of it, .
Cool as . Well done nice nice.

TAS, 2343 posts
9 Dec 2017 9:50PM
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I'm hurting

TAS, 837 posts
9 Dec 2017 10:06PM
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Nice pics! a great day had by all as the evidence suggests. Sorry couldn't make it. Busy working trying to stay retired!

TAS, 979 posts
9 Dec 2017 10:07PM
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Fantastic to see another successful event. A big thanks to Alan for organising the event AND changing the date at short notice, and also to all those who made the effort to travel Kazza, Kaleb, Jordan, Mort. I would have loved to have been there but had other commitments. Great photos too Gillian, Chris and Steve.

Various colours of nylon fabric are sitting next to my sewing machine ready to make up coloured head/clew streamers so we can tell all the red severnes apart next time .


TAS, 443 posts
9 Dec 2017 10:19PM
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The Master and the apprenticeship......... cool.

TAS, 193 posts
10 Dec 2017 8:07AM
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Kazza said..
I'm hurting

I'm hearing you Kazza. Hope the ribs aren't too sore
Great day!
Clarky and I will be back at Bell Buoy to lick our wounds this arvo
Well done Buzzy, Kazza and Jordan! Awesome stalled forwards Jordy!
Thanks again Al and Gill for your work!

Ps. Thanks Smithy for getting my spare keys ??

TAS, 367 posts
10 Dec 2017 8:59PM
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There are very tired sailors up North tonight ! but in some ways the muscles do feel better for it.
Great sailing conditions continued with, 25-31 knots for most of the afternoon.
Greene and Geoff sailed Bellbouy and Alan and I sailed sandy East Beach.
John was maxed out on his 4.5 at Bellbouy Al and I on 5's.
A couple of photos of the conditions at East today.

TAS, 546 posts
11 Dec 2017 9:23AM
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A brutal three days of 25 - 30 knots. I decided on Friday to channel Clarence and cover some territory by sailing from Bellbuoy up to East, and then back - two tacks up - broad reach back. A broad reach on a twin-fin wave board, overpowered, is a truly scary thing. My heart rate SPIKED every time I spun out or nearly went over the handle-bars.

As for Saturday - what a day! Bellbuoy turned on some slightly odd conditions but at least the conditions matched the bods on the water. I always remember these days as a set of "****" of the day" grabs that make me giggle, that are usually missed by the cameras. I have to confess though that Schadenfreude usually determines the grabs that make the list - The standouts:

Karen - Over the handle bars (sorry, but everyone cringes and thinks to themselves - 'I am SO glad that wasn't me' - and knows that feeling of dread when you realise that it has gone past 'recoverable' - I hope the ribs heel fast)

Buzzy - 'Chuck-a-backie' - (chuck as in throw it away - QUICK!) It was a big one too. You suddenly get that feeling that you have bitten off more than you can chew, and it is time to spit instead. Perhaps it should be 'Spit-a-backie'.

Unknown Sailer 1 - 'Air gybe' - nope, not a jump gybe. This is the gybe that you have nailed the first 1/3 of, you chuck the sail and grab the other side of the boom..........and it isn't there, so you grab air instead. Luckily you don't look really silly when you do it....

Unknown Sailer 2 - 'Throw a forward' - a variation on the 'Spit-a-backie' but in this one you wait for the forward rotation, and you wait, and you wait..., but you can't wait quite long enough, and end up doing a bird-person into the drink, trying at least for a clean entry... as you see your gear complete the manoeuvre solo, just to really rub it in. You should have waited.

Unknown Sailer 3 - 'Lock out'...another one where everyone thinks - 'I am SO glad that wasn't me'.

And -

Jordan - If you are going to sail, with a bunch of clowns you need to learn how to 'heap-it' sometimes.

With a bit of luck we should get some different conditions on the west coast in January, and if we can get the same sort of turnout as the last two events - a seriously fun weekend, and more grabs.

Come on January!


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Wavesailing Round 2" started by Al Planet