I've got tomorrow off. So looking like another Bell's session. Our do we think a Bakers day may be on the cards? Today is looking the goods, solid westerly at Low Head.
Hey Hamish. Yes today at Bell Buoy was pretty good. I was over powered on a 4m at times. I'm the opposite for tomorrow- work But Felix is pretty keen to sail Bakers.
Greens looks good for both Friday and Saturday at this stage....Later
I think the North coast is the place to live if your a windsurfer, imagine if the Midlands Highway was 4 lanes, dual carriageway, us southerners would be there in an hour, safe & sound too.
Winter Sailing........only a couple of days after the shortest day...the sun was out ......and the water was not that cold.
I have about 200 photos....... here are a couple of Felix and maybe Jason?
Hamish I will be sailing Bakers or Bell Buoy tomorrow depending on how strong it is in the morning. Nice pics Al
yeah kazz,
good for wavesailing but
we do have it pretty good for blasting down, especially in summer.
If you live in Lauderdale you can get to the pond in 5 minutes/ wave sail at goats in 10 minutes, carlton in 25,
river in 10. front beach 20 seconds....
yeah the westerlies up north do seem to make wavesailing better.
The grass is always greener.. as Greeenie may say
Anyway, may see you guys on Friday, got to get out of this s.h.i.t hole place with no wind down south!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The waves were pretty green today also. Agree Kazza, if only The south were 1hour or so from Launie. We are sometimes a little favoured by the westerlies, but hey, if I could convince Clive Palmer with all his millions to get into windsurfing, then hey, it might be yet...another opinion pole turner!....
Had some errands to run and sailing gear to sort today, if the forecast holds how does bellboy look for Thursday ?given today looked like fun to mearound lunch time thurs arrival
I'm thinking a Bakers visit in the morning. Leaving Launceston 8-830. Sail until lunch then see if the energy takes me to bell buoy later. Anyone else keen?
Hit the water at Bakers 4pm after a meeting in Latrobe, wind pretty light rigged a 5.2m and had to dog out the back to get planning waves were waist high but pretty soft so didn't get much wave sailing in but then I still need gibe practice so cruised till dark.
Relic and I pretty keen on Greens Friday if Clarky!!!!! thinks the forecast will hold.
Fluro there's room for you too if you don't mind it squeezey or you sit on my lap
Not going to Bell Buoy today to wait to go to greens tomorrow, is like not sailing Goats in an easterly with a 4.7 to wait to sail Clifton when its 5.8 southerly What are you southerners doing!!!
No swell at Carlton today I am heading north best forecast this year already blowing 30/35 knots swell increasing to 2/3 meters west
Since I have been charged with adjudication, I can confidently say at this point that "if the forecast holds" you can count on a damn good sail at Greens tomorrow.
If you are planning to get to Greens at about 10.00 - 11.00 you will arrive at peak tide, and conditions should continue to improve as the day wears on, and the arms wear out. The wide bank at Greens generally means great sailing ANYTIME, but mid tide is the best!
How about the southerners pitch in and we all buy a little windsurfing community shack at Bell Buoy for the 3 days in a row sailing up there.
I'll be "waterproof" probably the following weekend onwards.
Bell Buoy delivered again today! Nicely powered on 3.9 with good waves and jumps all round... can't complain
Great to see and hear some awesome action guys.
Keep it flowing... When and where, I know you've all got the ability to post when and where!
Superb shots Al - don't stop!
Relic and I will be at Greens tomorrow 10.30 and I'm pretty sure Jez and Hairy are coming............Damo and Brettski maybe
Clarky/Greenie are we still making the right call?
Is that Felix doing a perfect backie?