Come along to the Windsurfing party/bbq at Arturs,s house at 607 Dorans road this Friday from 6pm onwards.
There will be a pink fishing buoy at the bottom of the driveway to mark location.
Bring your own drinks and meat.
Fun night, fire drums, laughter, food and drink.
I think I was there for a while! I heard people talking about world domination or something! Then I woke in my bed at home........ I'm sure there up to something??? What have they done to Flouro?? Something is not right at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!
So - next days memories suggest significant bouts of behaviour all night. That's gotta be a true reflection right? My bet is that even the pet opossums left home for the duration.
East O'ahu Flouro - no wind, dead flat north shore, always 80+. Cloth must be very expensive absolutely none wasted on swimwear (female). Home Sat arrange for wind please.