Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

Cribby - Invy InTuition!!

Created by DanP > 9 months ago, 18 Dec 2014
VIC, 286 posts
19 Dec 2014 12:07AM
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Get amongst it people!!!!! Spots are limited and are booking out fast! Not many left.

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
19 Dec 2014 10:15AM
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Big thanks to Dan for putting the poster together.

Yep - the man is back. Cannot keep him away now from his favourite spot. Anyway, Guy is a nine times British Champion and runs coaching clinics around the world. This is a great way for advanced beginner/intermediates to really get a push up to the next level or for advanced windsurfers to fine tune their techniques. Guy has a fun and unique way of teaching with phrases that etch into your memory like"Hips to be Square" and "Rock ON". Guy videos sessions which are then analysised on morning two and three. Sessions are generally between 10am - 5 pm but discussions go into the wee hours of the morning with a few red wines

More information at


QLD, 168 posts
21 Dec 2014 9:32PM
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What is IWC and how to join it?

VIC, 3455 posts
21 Dec 2014 11:22PM
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Select to expand quote
Winddragon said..
What is IWC and how to join it?

Inverloch Windsurfing Club

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
12 Jan 2015 9:47PM
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Two spots left

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
31 Jan 2015 12:30PM
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All I can say is Ctibby has left - thank goodness.
I am stuffed!!!!!!!!

Very proud of the Invy crew and what was pulled off this year. Third time and getting better with each one!

Big thanks to Mick Green - President - Keeping me on track, fed and sleep. Sounding block, pics, co ordinating newspaper interviews and general help
Also big thanks to Roy and Tash - catering, photography and genetal help
Peter Johnston - land and on water help, muffins and mother jokes
Dan or is it Stan - on land and water help
Dazza and Wendy - for letting us invade their home for video analysis
Etsuko - Early morning stretch class.

Three days of intense training from Guy Cribb always sets the bar high. 15 Windsurfers hanging on his every word and learning heaps from group, one on one and video analysis. Great bunch of guests coming from the UK, Tasmania, Ballarat, Melbourne and Inverloch- never laughed so long and hard.

10 - 18 kt ESE - Area 45
Challenging day as the wind was a bit holey but good flat water
Wednesday night
Traditional welcome and smoking ceremony from a member of the Boon Wurrung people
Spit roast, salads and desert provided by the the Worners. The desert queen was in her element.

15 kt SE - Rotunda
Beautiful flat water runs brilliant for practising gybes
Thursday night - Mystery night
Dinner at the State Coal Mine and then Laser Tag down the mine shaft. Suddenly 20 weary windsurfers found some extra energy and ran around the mine shaft shooting at opposing teams.

10 - 15 kt SE/ SW
Light wind practise gybes and water starts
Kick everyone off the water at 6 pm and eject Guy Cribb out of the country.
Home at 11pm tired boy

Guy has committed to be back next year so watch this space!!

BIG BIG thanks to SHQ for demo gear of

Magic Ride 118 - Guy placed 5th at the Ledge to Lancelin this year on this board against Slalom gear and dropping 30 places at the start due to have someone cut him off at the start
Allride 106
NP Fusion 4.5,5 and 6 mtr sails

Could not have done it without your help Hudson, Fletch and Kevin!

Pics will hopefully posted by Mick and Roy soon.

VIC, 89 posts
1 Feb 2015 5:48PM
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Thank you so much for pulling this together, Doug! You and the rest of IWC were so generous with your time and effort this week.

I had a ridiculously fun time. I certainly learnt enough to keep me going for 12 months. ;)

VIC, 236 posts
6 Feb 2015 4:37PM
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Someone tell those guys that there boards need to be on the water to go ?;)

VIC, 1579 posts
6 Feb 2015 7:11PM
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What are you talking about, Waveboy??
They were on the water.

It's just that the tide goes out very fast at Inveloch!!

VIC, 737 posts
6 Feb 2015 8:33PM
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Howdy Cribby Padticipants,
I've uploaded all the pics from the Inverloch Intuition to a shared Dropbox folder.
Email me - and I add you to the shared folder.


Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
11 Feb 2015 10:03PM
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Pics up on website


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"Cribby - Invy InTuition!!" started by DanP