After a brilliant day at Area 45 for our first GPS free race day everyone, (except our president who has gone on holidays!! and mumbling something about family time) is chaffing to do it again.
13 or 14th February - we will pick a day dependent on the best conditions and set up a Green Light/Red Light system on Seabreeze and IWC fb page to notify people.
We are wanting it to be held at Swan Bay area or Sandy Point
GPS Free Race - half hour recording of your average speed. Two sessions
Slalom Racing
and as always with IWC trying out something different
See following video kindly put together by KATO
Join in the banter on IWC fb page - it has already started.
Poor RED
Great news Doug!
Early indications are that a perfect SW wind will blow on Sunday and that would suit Sandy Point! In fact it looks SSW which is great for drag racing and GPS Feerace because it's less broad on the sand spit. Let's see how the forecast develops over the week.
I have to move commitments around to make it. Still not sure if I can!
The racing format will allow all sailors to compete in a race or two or three during the day.
For those with GPS's please remember to bring your USB cord so we can upload the GPS files to the Freerace software. Software will accept GT31 and Canmore. PM me if you have a different GPS to see if we can download the files.
Currently Sunday is looking good for Sandy Point with wind and good midday tides. Will notify here and on the Inverloch Windsurfing Club fb page with Red light or Green light.
Final call Friday
Hi Doug. Apart from the GPS, cable and obvious other gear what are the requirements of attending and competing?
Hey Evan,
Thanks for your questions. Have been a little slack in getting full details up on the club website but all good now.
Entry Fee IWC Members $10
Guest members - $20
Guest members can attend one IWC event for insurance purposes.
If they chose to attend more they will be required to become an IWC member with $10 from their first event fee
being refunded against their membership fee.
Full details including Notice of Race
Enjoy everyone wish I could be there, it means someone else can win the slalom.
But.... I'm here instead :
First green light. Forecast 12 - 16 kts SW/WSW. Low Tide midday
Rumour mill suggesting a crew maybe coming over from the West?
Final call Friday
Sunday - Sandy Point 10 am - 4 pm
Forecast 15 - 20 kts SW/WSW
Follow Sandy Point Rd to it hits the beach then turn right and drive along beach to sand dune.
IWC BBQ and drinks will be available
Vector Fins has just kicked in with a prize - thanks guys