Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

To my friend Ido

Created by ginno > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2020
VIC, 78 posts
21 Feb 2020 3:03PM
Thumbs Up

Some of you already know the Windsurfing community lost a true gentleman last week. I wanted to share my story in this quiet place as I meet Ido at a real turning point in my sailing career.

For a year and a 1/2 I had been sailing on big second hand gear with 2 close friends from my childhood & while we had fun I could tell they were losing interest and sure enough, eventually it was just me chasing the wind. I still had plenty of support from the sailing community and the boys that frequented Bonbeach but I was always coming in as they were going out (that hasn't changed).
Finally, after everyone telling me to bite the bullet and downsize I bought the last 131 Carve from RHS as it closed down.

Without mates around to take the new board out for the first time I retreated back to where it was flat and safe at Sandringham Harbor. There, sailing on some big 145 l gear was a guy was manhandling the board and sail just to get it to work. It was probably only Ido's 3rd sail, I know it was very early on because the love of his life Bree was still watching him on the beach back then !

I gave him only one tip, he was putting too much weight on the back foot as we plodded around in sub planning conditions.
The next time we sailed was Parkdale he was already as good as me and progressed in leaps and bounds while I watched in awe.

I had a few years off when I traveled overseas and again upon my return, at the tipping point of getting back into the sport he was there for me, my the motivator to get back on the water. I was lucky enough to spend time with him down at Area45 multiple times and experiencing fastest I have ever been on water with him (while he was sheeted out of course)

My last day with him was on Saturday, we dropped in at Chelsea YC just to hang out on the off chance the 20k blowing at South Channel and Falkner would creep up the side of the bay. I never did & that didn't matter, we spent the hour together chatting about sailing and he taught me how the read the weather reports provided from the Airports and traffic control.

With his passing I am mostly overwhelmed by how many other people's lives he brightened, never a negative comment and time for everyone, an incredible bloke who's heart of gold became the center of the WindSurf, Flight and Aerobatics communities.

I will miss seeing that your grin from the water mate as you rip another gybe around me.

I'll think of you every time it's 'Honking' out there Dodo.

Here he is back on our second outing together at Parkdale.


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"To my friend Ido" started by ginno