Yeah, this vid is game changer for the most majestic of wave jumps - the backloop ! While going parallel, the wave builds up and matures- this helps a lot. My humble tip- when vertically airborne just coil and turn your head aggressively over your front shoulder. Aim to penetrate the water surface with the nose of the board by all means and don't let go. The rest is done. In the beginning don't think about front, back hand etc. - this will come naturally with confidence. You can control height by turning head- quick turning- lower height and vice versa. Don't start trying backloops and pushies from small ramps! You will get hurt, scared and will not want to try them ever again. These are when you master the high ones. Cheers!
So far it's been pretty phenomenal how much more control I gained from doing this. Even on high jumps, it seems to cure issues when being jammed against the wave. Then I can really focus on clean landings as my gear is setup perfectly at the apex
Been watching my friends veer off badly on the wave... Trying to convince them not too but once it's self engrained! It's a bit of a defensive thing too.
One thing I noticed is when hitting late we do still get a bit of unwanted side rotation. Especially when the wave has a good kick to it.
Here is an example of a very nice one despite challenging conditions @ 59s: