Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

NSW Wavesailing Event 4 - Wanda HAS WIND and WAVES

Created by jase54 > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2016
NSW, 210 posts
10 Dec 2016 8:57AM
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ALOHA, we have a nor'easter and waves forecasted for today's NSWWA Event 4 comp at Wanda proudly sponsored by WindsurfnSnow Watersports. WSnS will be providing demo dear too!

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Rego is 10-11am at Greenhills Car Park today

And Wavesailing Legend Luke Hargreaves will be joining us too!

<div class="text_exposed_show">Remember tonight's party is Hawaiian theme AND for catering purposes we need confirmation of numbers on the post below.

Free for members, $10 for +1 and $5 for under 16 year olds

We do have some free accommodation available - details provided at rego.

Bring any old gear to donate to our upcoming youth

THANKS go to our sponsors Severne Sails Severne Sails Australia
SURF FX, The MOB Store, The Windsurfing Shed, Parker's Organic Juices,, Exocet-Original and S2Maui


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"NSW Wavesailing Event 4 - Wanda HAS WIND and WAVES" started by jase54