Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

New to wave sailing what gear to use?

Created by Henners > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2021
378 posts
16 Oct 2021 7:08AM
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Hi everyone,
this winter season I would like to get into wave sailing. I have been on a lake doing slalom mainly but a few months ago I foiled on the open ocean and really enjoyed it. In the past, I have sailed out of Mui Nei which has a horrid shore break that stops most people playing in breaking waves. Did that for a few years so I have experience but just not catching the waves. I can surf okay and SUP I absolutely suck at.
192cm 88kg.
I have an old RRD twintip 115 --> but I think it is more like 90 as the board is a sinker.
Also, have a Naish crossover 120 which was built for foiling and SUP but I am going to throw on some twin tip fins which might work and get me out on the light wind days (might be dreaming but it might work which will save some space in the car).
I have a gator 4.7 sail, mast, and boom.
The conditions are side shore wind range up to 40knts but mainly 30's on the days. Non-windy days could be trying to go out in 20knts +.

If you were going to add to my current gear what would you get?
I have been offered a 4.2m gator but would 1/2 a metre less really be a decent enough step down?
How much larger should I go ?
Also with boards how small is too small, for my size? In slalom, I can get on an 80l board when it is cranking but do wave sailers like?

NSW, 688 posts
16 Oct 2021 2:56PM
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Board 5-10 litres more than your weight.

Talk to other wave sailors at your spot, check their kit.

40 knots is not going to be very comfortable in the waves especially starting out.

SA, 58 posts
16 Oct 2021 2:38PM
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I'm similar height and couple of kgs lighter than you. I enjoy boards around 90 litres, and really love days on sails around 5.0 (4.7 to 5.3). They're big enough to give me some grunt, but small enough to be nimble enough to throw around. Of course it's wind dependent.

I use an 82 litre board board, and down to 4.0 sails in really strong wind.

378 posts
16 Oct 2021 1:24PM
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tomp said..
Board 5-10 litres more than your weight.

Talk to other wave sailors at your spot, check their kit.

40 knots is not going to be very comfortable in the waves especially starting out.

Thanks tomp. All of the wave sailors at the local spot are about 170cm and 62kg (I live in Japan). It is like Gulliver's travels over here. Also find it very difficult to get second-hand gear.40 Knts is going to be hard work so I might just stay out the back on those days, will just have to see how gutsy and competent I am.

378 posts
16 Oct 2021 1:30PM
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awg said..
I'm similar height and couple of kgs lighter than you. I enjoy boards around 90 litres, and really love days on sails around 5.0 (4.7 to 5.3). They're big enough to give me some grunt, but small enough to be nimble enough to throw around. Of course it's wind dependent.

I use an 82 litre board board, and down to 4.0 sails in really strong wind.

Thanks awg,
when you go out on 90l board and a 5.3 what wind speed are you looking at?
Do you mind telling me what do you have in your quiver?

SA, 58 posts
16 Oct 2021 5:09PM
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I've got Severne Blades, 4.0 4.5, 5, 5.3 and 5.7, and then bigger flatwater gear. Only the 5.0 and 5.7 are newish, with the others a bit older. I sail bump and jump more often than waves due to local conditions. It's probably more sails than I need. I rarely use the 4.0, but all the others do get regular use.

I generally buy sails second hand from other local sailors who upgrade.

The newer sails feel like they have a bigger wind range than the older ones, or maybe that is just wishful thinking.

NSW, 471 posts
16 Oct 2021 7:21PM
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Depends on the waves and whether they are proper swell driven waves or wind blown chop.

Also I'd say it depends on whether or not there is a serious rip. Where I sail theres a 5 knot rip on the inside so I sail slightly floatier boards or you just can't get through the surf.

A good around wave board too is good, theres a lot out there that are just dedicated to down the line and are very technical to sail.

Some more onshore boards are also more back footed when it comes to turning and some people hate that.
Best advice is to have a go on someone else's gear, see if you like and then go from there. Waves boards can be a very personal choice.

378 posts
17 Oct 2021 6:13AM
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Madge said..
Depends on the waves and whether they are proper swell driven waves or wind blown chop.

Also I'd say it depends on whether or not there is a serious rip. Where I sail theres a 5 knot rip on the inside so I sail slightly floatier boards or you just can't get through the surf.

A good around wave board too is good, theres a lot out there that are just dedicated to down the line and are very technical to sail.

Some more onshore boards are also more back footed when it comes to turning and some people hate that.
Best advice is to have a go on someone else's gear, see if you like and then go from there. Waves boards can be a very personal choice.

Thanks Madge,
It is starting to sound really technical fueled by location and personal preference.
Guess I will just keep going through the old posts in this forum, take what I got to beach, look at the other fellas gear and add a little bit.

NSW, 471 posts
18 Oct 2021 1:57PM
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If in doubt, buy a freeway board, my friend uses one in the surf and loves it, it planes earlier than a wave board but still turns well.

378 posts
18 Oct 2021 1:16PM
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Madge said..
If in doubt, buy a freeway board, my friend uses one in the surf and loves it, it planes earlier than a wave board but still turns well.

My daughter's windsurfing school has just reopened due to covid state of emergency restrictions (just announced yesterday) for one more lesson. The guy who runs it is an ex-champ of Japan who's well into wave riding. I think I will need to have a good chat with him about this coming season. I really thought it would be as easy as buy a Kode 95l a few more sails and on we go. Wave riding is starting to sound more technical than slalom. I might even be able to get some gear really not sure as all his students are a little lighter, but who knows we might be able to blow the dust of some old stuff. Really appreciate the input. Sorry to trouble you all as I did not think I was going to see this guy again as he closes the school in winter and I don't see him again until mid-summer. He does not normally rent gear, the school is an NPO and tries to get the young kids into the sport. But maybe I can get some ideas or possibly tag along to the big boy's wave point or borrow some gear. Anyway thanks all

2176 posts
19 Oct 2021 1:35AM
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Really hard to know what you need without knowing what sort of wave you've got.

Is it all windswell? In that case something more efficient and closer to a freewave.
Groundswell, especially side-off is a totally different situation.

I'm 92kg and mostly on windswell. 95L could be a one board quiver for me but practically speaking I use a 104/85 quiver because some days it's very gusty and I also have groundswell available in other places.

SA, 58 posts
19 Oct 2021 12:13PM
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Henners said..

Madge said..
If in doubt, buy a freeway board, my friend uses one in the surf and loves it, it planes earlier than a wave board but still turns well.

My daughter's windsurfing school has just reopened due to covid state of emergency restrictions (just announced yesterday) for one more lesson. The guy who runs it is an ex-champ of Japan who's well into wave riding. I think I will need to have a good chat with him about this coming season. I really thought it would be as easy as buy a Kode 95l a few more sails and on we go. Wave riding is starting to sound more technical than slalom. I might even be able to get some gear really not sure as all his students are a little lighter, but who knows we might be able to blow the dust of some old stuff. Really appreciate the input. Sorry to trouble you all as I did not think I was going to see this guy again as he closes the school in winter and I don't see him again until mid-summer. He does not normally rent gear, the school is an NPO and tries to get the young kids into the sport. But maybe I can get some ideas or possibly tag along to the big boy's wave point or borrow some gear. Anyway thanks all

My experience is that gear wise it is much less technical than slalom. Waves give you so many variables, and some gear makes you feel more comfortable and confident. I reckon a kode and a few sails would be sensational in lots of conditions. Don't get caught up in the technicality. Just go for it. Just my 2cents worth anyway!

NSW, 1147 posts
19 Oct 2021 4:59PM
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It's not technical at all,
just get a any wave board over 90 litres (add more volume for less skill and wind)
Any 5-5.5 wave sail for 12 to 25 knots. And a smaller one 4-4.7 for above that depending how windy it gets.

Getting out is going to be more beneficial than pinpointing the exact gear you need. Go sail the maids thing, you won't be able to turn it but you'll be catching waves


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"New to wave sailing what gear to use?" started by Henners