Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Severne 2017 Australian Titles rego cut off 5pm TODAY - 16 Nov 2017

Created by jase54 > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2017
NSW, 210 posts
16 Nov 2017 6:57AM
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REMEMBER to register by 5PM today to go into the draw.

Even if you are a current fully paid up NSW Wavesailing member, you need to register at

Poster by Jason Hale

2017 Australian Wavesailing Titles Sponsor

Thanks go to Natural Necessity in providing their jet ski for safety support on beach and also the kind offer of 15% off purchases in store (some exclusions do apply) for members

SA, 3590 posts
22 Nov 2017 2:15PM
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Any news or Photos?

WA, 1121 posts
22 Nov 2017 2:36PM
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I hear next year will be at Margaret River

NSW, 803 posts
22 Nov 2017 6:44PM
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Sparky said..
I hear next year will be at Margaret River

Awesome,you're a legend for organising this Sparky!

What date are you planning to run it Sparkles?

NSW, 638 posts
22 Nov 2017 9:19PM
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Stuthepirate said..
Any news or Photos?

Unfortunately, despite the great forecast, conditions failed to materialise. It's the first time in the history of the event that an open winner was unable to be crowned. Nevertheless a good time was had by all and it was great to catch up with like minded sailors from other states.
Thanks to major sponsor Severne, I'm sure the number of east coast sailors on red sails vindicates their continued sponsorship of NSW Wavesailing association events.
Also big thumbs up to Scotty from Smik SUPs for loaning boards to any panel beater that wanted to redecorate the rails of his great looking boards

WA, 1148 posts
22 Nov 2017 8:41PM
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Sparky said..
I hear next year will be at Margaret River

Nah I heard it will be at scarbs

SA, 3590 posts
23 Nov 2017 7:52AM
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robbo1111 said..

Stuthepirate said..
Any news or Photos?

Unfortunately, despite the great forecast, conditions failed to materialise. It's the first time in the history of the event that an open winner was unable to be crowned. Nevertheless a good time was had by all and it was great to catch up with like minded sailors from other states.
Thanks to major sponsor Severne, I'm sure the number of east coast sailors on red sails vindicates their continued sponsorship of NSW Wavesailing association events.
Also big thumbs up to Scotty from Smik SUPs for loaning boards to any panel beater that wanted to redecorate the rails of his great looking boards

That's unfortunate guys.
I'm sure all the hard work done by tje event organisers, volunteers and sponsors didn't go unappreciated.

NSW, 803 posts
24 Nov 2017 11:07PM
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Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Severne 2017 Australian Titles rego cut off 5pm TODAY - 16 Nov 2017" started by jase54