It's back on, the Severne Margaret River Wavesaililng Classic has new dates of 11 - 14 March 2022.
Online registrations are open at First in best dressed.
This event is a 3 star IWT event with points awarded for overall tour rankings, if you win this event you will be number 1 on the IWT leaders board. BASK IN THE GLORY.
We have a $5000 prize pool with equal prize money for men and women, and even a little cherry for the juniors.
This year we have an all star judging team with the man Patrik Diethelm stepping up to be the head judge.
Party detail TBC.
Fortress WA is set to fall on 03/03/2022 come one come all.
A big thanks to the sponsors who have come onboard to support this event.
* Severne Windsurfing
* South South West
* SPS Bricklaying
Would love to but WAs BS rules means heading there won't be on the cards. Maybe IWT could consider North Korea, probably easier to get in and out of.
Those regulations only make sense if the hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid, or for unvaccinated travelers since they are the most likely to end up in hospital.
For interstate travel after 3 March, you only need to be vaxed and apply for the G2G pass (guess they only update the requirements after that date). The other restrictions will be removed so...
Dam, there's a few east coast sailors that won't get there to show you guys how to do proper bog rail turn on 10 foot bombs
OK lets not turn this into a COVID discussion, if you are actually interested in what will be required to enter W.A. then have a look at this website.
Seems pretty straight forward.
As of typing this.
from 03/03/2022 to enter W.A. from interstate, you just need the following:
* Have a registered G2G Pass
* Be triple dose vaccinated, if eligible
* Undertake a Rapid Antigen Test upon arrival within 12 hours and report any positive result.
Seems pretty straight forward.
* Meet Commonwealth Government requirements (external link) to enter Australia (this will be the 7 day isolation thing)
* Be fully vaccinated under the Commonwealth Government requirements, if eligible
* Have a registered G2G Pass
* Undertake a Rapid Antigen Test upon arrival within 12 hours and report any positive result
* Unvaccinated returning Australians will be required to complete hotel quarantine.
Doesn't even look like you need a PCR test. it's worth coming just to travel someplace where you don't have to do one.
Come on DunkO come and bog rail with us.
Next year, looks an amazing contest. Vid from last year was so good. Boys and girls going proper hard! Hope to see similar this year. everyone here has been so keen to get there. Just really tricky to commit when not certain of requirements, think it's clearer now.
unfortunately it's not as simply as get third jab for some.
Well as many of you may have suspected, the Severne Margaret River Wavesailing Classic 2022 will not run.
The forecast looks uncontestable.
I don't know who has done what to anger the wind gods but you've got some answering to do buddy.
A big thanks to everyone who helped out and to our supporters
Severne Windsurfing
South by South West
SPS Bricklaying
Onwards towards 2023
I know whose fault it is, somebody there bought a new board.
Shame, I was looking forward to it but massive thanks anyway to the organisers who work hard and also deal with this uncertainty.