Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Wave Sailing Comp without Jumping

Created by jezza77 2 months ago, 8 Nov 2024
WA, 33 posts
8 Nov 2024 5:19PM
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Pretty much watched every minute of the Aloha Classic. Courtesy of PvB's awesome videos and the live stream. Was wondering why I loved it so much. Besides the fact that the 40th anniversary gave nostalgic feels, and Paul's videos giving it bit of a froth factor, made me wonder if it was because it was a 'pure' wave sailing comp? I love watching highlights of Pozo etc. but there was something about watching pure down the line sailing without all the double forwards and jump tricks etc? Interested to hear what others think? Is this why the IWT started originally, wave comps without jumps?

WA, 269 posts
8 Nov 2024 8:17PM
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Same, watched all heats. I think except for some lighter moments (not a fan of float and ride) we were incredibly lucky with the conditions although not typical Ho'okipa. The waves and wind were great, combined with next level sailors makes for an epic event.

I don't think it would have changed much if they would have added one jump, could have been even more epic. Imagine this level of wave riding with a few doubles or backies on the way out, I would have loved that even more!

The Euro spots on the tour are just not very great waves for riding, so it's a completely different game. I liked the Aloha classic more for sure and Chile was amazing too.

I have seen some footage of the extremely light wind 4 star event in Peru. That is a bit typical IWT if you ask me and I'd call that wave sailing, not windsurfing which I don't enjoy watching. For me, wind is key and we had that combined with great waves in Hawaii which made it an incredible event.

WA, 33 posts
9 Nov 2024 6:47PM
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If it had jumping conditions how does that work? Whilst would prefer a wave comp to focus on wave riding does jumping include like the 2 best jumps?


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Wave Sailing Comp without Jumping" started by jezza77