Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

A windsurfing jumping lesson at Mettams Pool 09/02/2020

Created by Grants Carstereo > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2020
Grants Carstereo
WA, 59 posts
17 Feb 2020 1:47AM
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A windsurfing jumping lesson at Mettams Pool 09/02/2020a short video.

WA, 4 posts
17 Feb 2020 6:06PM
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Nice video Grant, it was so bloody windy that day!
Thanks for all your time and effort over the past few years

WA, 71 posts
19 Feb 2020 8:41PM
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Nice footage Grant. Excellent moves Matt on the WindTech Magic Bullet 85! Don't think I'll be trying those anytime soon!

WA, 71 posts
20 Feb 2020 6:24AM
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CrimsonFlash said..
Nice footage Grant. Excellent moves Matt on the WindTech Magic Bullet 85! Don't think I'll be trying those anytime soon!

I was talking about the moves, not the boards Forward loops are way out of my league!

Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
28 Feb 2020 11:43AM
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Thanks for shooting and taking the time for an edit Grant.

i would have gone for some wave rides but the tide was really choking the wave - so I focused on a jumping session.

A bit of self criticism:

Quite a few wet landings there which bugged me!

From what i can tell the boom is a bit too high, lines a bit too short compared to modern set ups. I am going to try moving it all down just a touch.

Ihave found that as I move to smaller sails (5.3 and down to 4.2) the set up evolves to a lower boom (more contemporary) - which makes sense as the sport changes as you go from 6.2 light air chasing maximum lift and bottom turn drive - to 5.3 where you are now looking to handle and control power that never runs out!

i don't use a 4.2 very often so my set up was just a touch off. As i usually use s1s (love them ALOT with the longer boom and more back hand, springy power delivery and lift ) but my 4.2 is a blade (still nice but a totally different feel)

So my small sail technique needs to evolve for sure. Its just very rare to sail 4.8 and below here in Perth.

Can't fault the board though - the Windtech 85 magic bullet with its low nose and fast rocker line just makes life super easy and feels like its almost impossible to lose control. And the insane get up and go and speed of the board takes the pressure out of the rig when powered up.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"A windsurfing jumping lesson at Mettams Pool 09/02/2020" started by Grants Carstereo