Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Best Locations To Sail For Different Wind Directions

Created by AUS 2459 > 9 months ago, 22 Jun 2021
AUS 2459
WA, 46 posts
22 Jun 2021 10:05AM
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was wondering what the best places would be for the different wind directions for slalom in Perth

SW - I am at lucky bay

NW - I am at foil vile


SE - I think point Walter would be good

I am unsure for all of the other directions

I am open for better spots with the places that I already know so just let me know where you think the best spots are for all the different directions

cheers Aiden

WA, 3204 posts
22 Jun 2021 10:27AM
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SW- pelican point (opposite side of river from foilville)

NW- lucky bay (melville) wait for the fronts to come through.

S- pelican point is the only place that sort of works. Otherwise take a trip down to safety bay with weed fin.

SE - pelican point but sail out on the eastern end of the river, or point walter.

foilville works for a lot of wind directions, easterly through northerly to sou' sou' westerly. Southerly there is offshore. You can sail lucky bay on a sw, great for practicing flat water gybes, but the wind is far more consistant at pelican point, and you can do an upwinder to melville and back downwind to peli point.

WA, 12390 posts
23 Jun 2021 8:51AM
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Mandurah isn't that far away

Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
23 Jun 2021 11:08AM
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Woodman Pt and river answers all those questions.....


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Best Locations To Sail For Different Wind Directions" started by AUS 2459