Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Fin re-boxing.

Created by Maddlad > 9 months ago, 13 May 2021
WA, 891 posts
13 May 2021 8:35AM
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Anyone do fin re-boxing in Perth? I have had a fin crack the back part of the head of it off and need it re-built so i can use it again.


WA, 99 posts
13 May 2021 8:13PM
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Swindy does them!!

WA, 456 posts
13 May 2021 8:51PM
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He's a bit slow at the moment.

Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
13 May 2021 9:42PM
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How big? Could be just a DIY fill if just a corner came off and its still structurally sound

WA, 891 posts
14 May 2021 8:33AM
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Mark _australia said..
How big? Could be just a DIY fill if just a corner came off and its still structurally sound

Na the back end of the head of the fin came off, along with the barrel nut, so i'd prefer it get done properly.

Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
14 May 2021 9:37PM
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Ohhhhh - nasty


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Fin re-boxing." started by Maddlad