Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Found a good dtl spot for Easterly to north Easterly

Created by Gerowaterboy > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2023
WA, 145 posts
1 Jul 2023 4:19PM
Thumbs Up

Decided to finally give the sth facing beach at wedge a crack in a nne wind, only about 15 kn and 1 m but the potential is there for some cracking down the line wave sailing. super clear water, pretty soft wave at that size but great angle. take a floaty board and bit bigger sail it gets a bit gusty. Need at least an AWD to get there or u could walk over sand dune from the road i guess. Definitely worth a try if u haven't got much on and don't mind a bit of a drive. Google map it if u don't know where i mean.
It also works in a westerly but i haven't tried that yet.

Anyone got any other little gems hidden in your sleeve, maybe time to share the love, life's too short to hold onto dirty little secrets



Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Found a good dtl spot for Easterly to north Easterly" started by Gerowaterboy