Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Longboard Windsurfing Perth

Created by JezPerth > 9 months ago, 16 Aug 2017
WA, 15 posts
16 Aug 2017 1:21PM
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Just picked up an F2 Lightning (carbon).
Pics attached .. can anyone tell me it's year?
Will need to get some straps (maybe convert to screw-in), replace centreboard gasket, possibly replace mast-retaining bungee and fix one small hole .. but generally board is in excellent condition, and mast track seems to be working fine (though button clunks a bit on depressing it .. is that normal?).
Will also need to get an SDM mast to suit my Gaastra Pilot 7.5 .. just to get me going without investing in proper race rig initially.
Looking to make contact with anyone in Perth sailing longboards .. for social sailing, possibly racing, and sharing advice.

WA, 3754 posts
16 Aug 2017 7:17PM
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1987 F2 Lightning but not the Lightning Race of same year prototypes of which were raced in 1986 World Cup with success. Will post more material.

WA, 3754 posts
16 Aug 2017 11:09PM
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WA, 3754 posts
16 Aug 2017 11:14PM
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With respect to the mast track try to keep it operating.This appears to be the very sophisticated, F2 DASH system which sounds like it easily operated the centreboard and the mast track simultaneously for easier and go fast handling, in theory. I have never used one of these F2 boards but others may know if the F2 DASH system works well and how. Assuming so, it will be better for sailing it as well as enhance its value. A fixed connection (cp. on the fly adjustment) was not how these boards were intended to be sailed. It should be possible to adapt the parts, as the bottom of the mast foot, at least in the above brochure, appears to be a US cup style or similar, and if not using Chinook parts for example (or other) there are ways to use the parts and retrofit them so they can work with modern rigs and extensions which facilitate use of latest sails. At some time mast diameters changed so you will need to address this, not to mention the rather poor purchase systems on these older extensions. Mark Taylor of Surfsail in Perth is very good for these type of jobs and highly professional. I assume you still have the original parts enabling proprietary F2 connection to the DASH system but on reflection the unit you have appears it may already have been modified. I do also note from the photos that the DASH system button appears to be missing from the centreboard, so perhaps you can obtain one of these from somewhere. Alternatively, perhaps you can just use the forward pedal.

WA, 68 posts
17 Aug 2017 10:04PM
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Congrats Jez. It will be good to have another raceboard on the water to practice with. I'll be happy to give advice on setup and technique if you like


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Longboard Windsurfing Perth" started by JezPerth