MBSC Windsurfer LT Racing on this Weekend
All windsurfers welcome. Come and join us for a fun Friday wind down after a hard working week. Sailing starts around 5.45-6pm. Bar and meals available at the club. Presentation and members draw too! Nice SW conditions on the cards for week's twilight
Friday evening 26 February (tonight) Twilight Racing starts 6pm
ALL Windsurfers welcome
This Sunday 28 February MBSC LT Invitation Race ALL WELCOME.
Course TBA 2pm start, course briefing 1pmBeach Start, Free Entry, No Rescue Boats or volunteers, informal WCAWA event
NOT MBSC SANCTIONED EVENT, participate at your own risk
Bar Open beers and banter after racing, $3.00 Sausage Sizzle or Broadway Pizza
RESULTS Last Sunday's 21 February 2021 MBSC Club Championship Heat 5
12-14 knot Southwester was the order of the day for the 15 strong LT Windsurfer Fleet for the 5th heat of the 2021 MBSC Club Championship. Moth Foiling legend Lloyd Edmonds showed his class with a start to finish win over the very testing long south wester course. New MBSC member Richard Carington Smith is showing the fleet how to do it with a solid second place and was on Llloyd's hammer all day. Bjorn followed in third and has now all but sealed his name on the MBSC Windsurfer Club Championship award for 2021
1. Lloyd Edmonds
2.Richard Carington Smith
3.Bjorn Hage
4.Mark Taylor
5.Clive Swanson
Thanks as usual to the MBSC start and rescue volunteers
RACE ready Windsurfer LT Charter board available for potential MBSC members, contact Mark Taylor for details
Hi everyone. I looking for a second hand LT so that I can join in & also do the Masters this year. Asking before I buy new obvi after one I good condition without issues. Prefer one with great race winning or front of fleet habits. I'm willing to be taught by it, quick learner. cheers in advance Dave