Hey all just saw this survey from Stirling Council looking for info on Metts. They are taking interest due to the erosion, and deciding whether and what changes to make to the structural area, amenities and natural beach. What they decide to do will affect us most likely, so get in there and have your say . Link below:
they are very limited questions, and the idea about a plaza and a paved area to slow traffic is a concern. That sounds like a planned mini scarborough mini cottesloe mess that means we can't get anywhere near the beach with windsurf gear. Everyone needs to go fill it out.
I'm new to the area but see this as an important issue.
Local councils are commercialising beaches all over Australia in the name of the "environment'. Agree, need to have your say.
My say...
"In general, this special little beach will benefit from being kept in its natural state as much as possible. If people are looking for functions and facilities then they can choose to visit commercialised beaches (e.g. Scarborough) with all the attractions.
This survey is poorly written and misleading in that Question 3(j) is leading the responder to a specific, almost unrelated answer (surely the real reason to create a plaza is to increase revenue (rates) from the area to cover the costs of any environmental engineering? ). It is very obvious that there are more cost effective options available to council to improve road safety and lower speeds past Mettams pool. If road safety past Mettams Pool is a current issue, rather than building a plaza why not report to the police and ask for additional patrols?
Is it possible for the council to separate the environmental engineering requirements from the commercialisation of this pristine marine environment?"
The community forum for Mettams was held earlier this month. The details are here: www.stirling.wa.gov.au/your-city/your-say-stirling
It looks like this concept plan was the one preferred.
Great that there will be more grassed area but the existing parking will be gone.
I wonder if they have done any monitoring / modelling of the beach erosion that usually occurs during winter between the storm water drain and the ramp. Looking at how close the new proposed wall is I can potentially see two things happening. During winter the beach will completely disappear in that section. In summer the sand will cover the entire grass area between the ramp and Northern end of the activated space.
I am not a coastal engineer but I have seen how this beach changes throughout the year and what happens at other beaches around Cottesloe / Fremantle where a wall was build that close to the water line.
More grass area sounds good (apart from the point above) but what about parking? Looks like that whole stretch being developed loses all the on street parking which is always packed every day in summer.
There is usually enough parking at the Northern car park. Of course getting your gear to the grassy area could be a problem. I am guessing most people will simply rig in the car park and carry their gear to the water.