Anyone have any experience with that direction at PP or got a gps map of what sailing in that wind direction looks like? Thanks
SE is of course fine there its same onshore angle as SW really. Pt Walter is doable but if you have a breakage etc its a long drift .....
Peli point to make the best of it. SE on the river is generally very on and off. You get a 10-20min run of wind. Then a 10-20 min span of no wind, and so on and so forth.
its best to work your way upwind and sail the runs at the end of the point. If you stay too close to shore you end up sailing into the back wash from the nedlands sea wall.
and at the end of the day you can watch the kooky kiters/show ponies getting skull dragged across the car park and running into each other, because they've decided to do their runs along the shore.