Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Petition for upkeep of Peli Point

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 21 Dec 2023
Mark _australia
WA, 22762 posts
21 Dec 2023 5:49PM
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Dead grass full of prickles ...... at what was a centre for all of us in years gone past. Memories of nice grass, food van, hire place etc. Pay parking didn't help grrrr ..... but now they can't afford lawn?

WA, 210 posts
22 Dec 2023 1:23PM
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Not to mention that constantly dodgy shower tap or complete lack of ease of access to waters edge when they re did the sea wall. Instead having to negotiate the slippery boat ram.

WA, 14 posts
24 Dec 2023 1:25PM
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Is it too late to include the hazardous access to the water in this petition? Someone is going to get hurt climbing up and down that wall with their sailing gear.

wally sailor
WA, 69 posts
25 Dec 2023 12:45PM
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Spraying for prickles too late for this season, however lawn really needs to be cored, fertilized, soil wetting agent applied and cutting height needs to be raised. I also can't understand how council could rebuild the sea wall without considering access to the beach. The ramp is also in poor repair. In the 80s the ramp channel was dredged and the sand deposited on the beach.

it is really sad to see Pelican Point looking the way it is. I have signed the petition

WA, 56 posts
25 Dec 2023 8:36PM
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Times have changed indeed! PP was part of Subiaco, now is part of City of Perth. They are not interested about improving things. I did the petition for the parking for PP when they introduced parking fees 24/7. It was very difficult and we had to get the news channel involved in order to achieve a successful outcome (thanks to the kiters for actually showing up, as none of the windsurfers did).

Grass is a minor problem at PP, the real issue is that we don't have safe access to the river, as they keep removing our DIY stairs.

WA, 1103 posts
29 Dec 2023 8:06AM
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Must have heard you.
Mowing right now


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Petition for upkeep of Peli Point" started by Mark _australia