Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Proposed changes for watercraft (flares, EPIRB, life jacket)

Created by nebbian > 9 months ago, 4 Sep 2023
WA, 6277 posts
4 Sep 2023 3:41PM
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I'm not sure how late I am to this party, or if it's been discussed before.

Some proposed changes to WA's laws are located here:

These aren't the law yet. I can understand the life jacket and PLB rules, but 4 flares? Really?

WA, 3212 posts
4 Sep 2023 5:37PM
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nebbian said..
I'm not sure how late I am to this party, or if it's been discussed before.

Some proposed changes to WA's laws are located here:

These aren't the law yet. I can understand the life jacket and PLB rules, but 4 flares? Really?

Sorta, sorta not. The rules as they're stood at the moment are pretty much that already. The one change is the flares being required in addition to a plb outside of 400m. But they've also made allowance for us to carry an evds instead of having to get around with a pack of pyrotechnics attached. Far less dangerous or obtrusive.

its thanks to WWA that the required safety equipment list we need has been streamlined to whats actually useful. At one point it was possible for an over zealous dot officer to issue a fine if you didn't have a bailer and anchor with you.

462 posts
25 Oct 2023 8:28PM
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Any recommendations on a EVDS? I already have a PLB, but I either need to replace it or get it a new battery and have it tested.

So are the suitable combined units i.e. a PLB or EVDS. Or should I just get a new EVDS?

An EVDS being a Electronic Visual Distress Signal


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Proposed changes for watercraft (flares, EPIRB, life jacket)" started by nebbian